Sunday, 5 May 2024

Dan Morphew | End of Season Q+A #2 | 27.04.2024 |

Defender Dan Morphew reflects on the season.

DK: First of all, what do you think of the season as a whole? 

DM: It's been a great year. I think, you know, you can't ask for much more than your league and cup double at this level. It's never been achieved before, so it's a great achievement, great to be a part of it.
And yeah, I've enjoyed every minute. Well, I say every minute, these last three games have been a bit tough. But it's hard to keep turning up when you've got nothing to play for when the season's over, really. It would've been lovely to turn up and win the three games. We've played three teams who are all desperate to get in the playoffs, and we've got a bit of a fag on, haven't we, really. So it's tough. No one likes losing, but other than that, it's been a great season. You know, everything, even the FA Cup run at the start, we had a good FA Cup run. And it's been, you know, I think we've just carried on winning, just worked hard for each other. It's been great to be a part of.

DK: Yeah, the priority from last season was on improving the league campaign, and we've done that in style.

DM: Yeah, I think last year we showed at times how good a side we could be. We beat Tamworth twice, who won the league. So we showed in flashes, and we had the great FA Cup run last year as well. So we knew we had the basis of a good team. It was just being more consistent. And I think this year we've done that. We've kept a lot of the same players. We've added a bit more experience and good energy in certain areas and a bit more balance with Tommy coming in at left back. And I think those small changes have just shown that we had the bones of a good side last year. And this year we've become that good side. So it's been, like I say, great to be a part of.

DK: What's your favourite goal you've scored this season? One of your seven?

DM: My favourite one was Halesowen away. It felt like a big goal at the time. It was a tough game, Halesowen away. And yeah, we really ground it out. And to nick that one nil at the time felt like a big win in terms of our momentum, in terms of winning the league. It felt like it was a big goal at the time.

DK: Not the volley that you scored? 

DM: No, I think I know I've scored a few nicer goals probably throughout the league, but that one felt like a big one. And then was it Telford at home we scored. I scored the first goal just after half-time. That felt like a big goal as well. So it felt like then that set us on our way. I think we went one nil up then with that goal. And it felt like we're never going to lose from that point onwards. So that, I'd say, the Halesowen and the Telford goals felt like they really contributed to us winning games and big games. So those are some of my favourite goals.

DK: What about any favourite goals from teammates? 

DK: There have been some good ones up there, so it's tough to choose. You know, I think Luke's, obviously Luke's one from however far it was, was a great goal. Hammy's goal in the FA Cup away at Hashtag was a great strike as well. So there's been some great goals. But I think the most important thing is scoring goals in big moments. You know, winning goals when we've been up against it or, you know, nicking one nil wins. They're the big goals for me, not the outstanding ones necessarily, but the goals that count are the ones that scored in big moments.

DK: What's your favourite game this season?

DM: I don't know. I think we battered Redditch when they came to our place. We battered them then. That was a good game. There's so many with, you know, Telford, we played well in both Telford games. So again, for me, it's about the big games against the big teams when we've played well. So your Telfords, your Leamingtons, those are the games where I've enjoyed the most. 

DK: When did you think we were going to win the league, if any?

DM: I think, I don't know when I thought, I thought we had a chance right from the, I guess, right from the beginning, as soon as we sort of started getting a little bit of a roll at the start of the season. You know, when we were sort of sitting in third place with, I know, Mickleover started well and Redditch started well, but I thought we had a chance the whole way through. And if we kept going like we were, I just couldn't see us losing many games. You know, the way we were playing at the time, just, keeping all those clean sheets, I knew we were never going to lose many games. So it's just about how many we could win. 
And yeah, we sort of really built up some momentum. So I've had, not belief, but I've, you know, thought there's been a chance for a long time. So just glad it's come to fruition.

DK: How did it feel to win it at home?

DM: Yeah, spectacular, really. Yeah, it was great. It was a great, great moment. And, you know, again, that's the sort of, almost had that in the crosshairs for a long while. So that Royston game at home on a Saturday, that was sort of us thinking about if we won this game, won that game, that could be when we win the league for a couple of months. I was thinking that really. And it was great when it happened. It was a great way to win it. You know, and we had a great time celebrating as a team as well and with the fans on the Saturday at home.

DK: Who's your player of the season?

DM: So many, so many who have played really well, have contributed a lot. You know, Keiran's always a standout. You know, he's sort of led as captain and just as in his performances has been great. Tommy's been fantastic on the left side. Jake Dye's had another really strong season. Hammy's been really good at moving into the midfield. Then you could say, you know, the likes of Jamie scored in the goals, like, you know, how he's really pushed on. Jacob Lay has been great this year. I think he had a little bit of dip, dip in form, you could say, maybe around sort of the Easter period. But up until that point, you know, some of the games he's played, he's been unplayable. Peterborough in the FA Cup, sort of at home in particular, he's been unplayable. So it's tough to pick one individual.
There's been so many who've contributed so much. Tev coming in. You know, Dylan's had another good year. You know, the whole sort of 14 of us, everyone's contributed. So I wouldn't like to name one player. 

DK: Has it sunk in yet? 

DM: I'm a bit of one of those people, you know, once it's done, I'm on to the next thing. So great we've won the league, great we've won the Cup, but I'm looking forward to next year now, playing the standard above. I've sort of always been that way, albeit sort of once something's done, I'm on to the next thing. So I'm not really dwelling on it.
Obviously, it's a great achievement. Hopefully, when I stop playing football and when I can't play anymore, I'll look back on it and think it's great. But I'm ready for the next thing now, looking forward to the next challenge.

DK: Like you say, the FA Cup run and retaining the Premier Cup have been added bonuses on the icing on the cake. 

DM: Yeah, you know, looking through our season with the FA Cup run, we were so close to getting past York. You know, I think we've done ourselves proud there. The league's been absolutely fantastic. And winning the Suffolk Premier Cup, you know, equaling the record for the fourth time in a row. It's a standout season in so many ways. So it's been great to be a part of it.

DK: What are your targets for next season and how will you approach it?

DM: Targets are to win as many games as possible, really. That's my target. So, you know, I think, again, with the squad we've got, with the basis of the team we've got, if we do what we've done this year, which is work hard for each other, put in 100 percent, I think we've got a good chance of doing well again next year. So my aim will be to win as many games as possible in all competitions.

DK: Will you approach it the same way you have this year? 

DM: I must probably do a bit extra. Funny thing, go to the gym a bit more, you know, make sure I'm a bit more prepared. So, yeah, week to week. I've not been to the gym since pre-season, so I might do a bit of that. Maybe try and be extra prepared. 

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