Sunday 3 December 2023

REACTION | Marcus Garnham + Kevin Horlock Post Match Interviews | Barwell v Needham Market | 02.12.2023 |

Goalkeeper Marcus Garnham reflects on today's win at Barwell.

DK: Another three points in a bag. You must be pleased?

MG: Yeah, boys dug in. Not a great start to the game, but we stuck to our principles. We switched up when we had to and the boys did really well and we controlled a lot of possession. They're really good on the counter and stuff, so credit to them there. They played really good football as well, so hopefully it was a good game to watch.

DK: And that save from you at the end, that was absolutely brilliant.

MG: Yeah, it was alright. Yeah. It's hard to get it past when I'm this big, so yeah, it's right.

DK: Do you think that save kind of summed up how well we've been doing, all going for us? 

MG: I think it's just kind of like everyone's just digging in when they have to and hope, contributing when they have to, and scoring goals when they have to, and blocking things like Tommy Smith blocked a dead cert goal, second half and stuff like that. So everyone's putting in a shift when they have to, putting their bodies on the line, which is great to see. It just shows togetherness that we have, which is fantastic at the moment.

DK: After not the greatest of starts and going one behind, it was a great reaction.

MG: Yeah, Tom told us what to do. We didn't really stick to it 1st 15-20 minutes and then as we got more of the ball, we got more confident on the ball and we started to show what we can do and we hurt them. Their keeper's pulled off some good saves as well. So, yeah, overall I'm feeling coming away to anywhere and getting 3 points is brilliant, so superb!

DK: Is the only thing the downer for you, the fact that you haven't got a clean sheet.

MG: Yeah, I suppose, yeah, it's one of the things in it. It was a good delivery, that lad put three good deliveries in, one after another and they were going to get a chance eventually. Just a shame that it went in, but we took the game on and got the two goals that we needed to win the game, so that's all good.

DK: At the other end, we created two good goals ourselves. 

MG: Yeah, we did, yeah. I mean, Seth's on fire at the moment. He's doing really well and credit to him, he's waited a long time, we give him abuse when he misses, but that's a fantastic strike and he deserves all the credit. To be fair, he's flying at the moment and he's got to enjoy it as long as it know and Ingers with an absolute bullet header to win it at the end is really good.

DK: Confidence has just flown through this team at the minute.

MG: Yeah, it just shows in it like we haven't really changed the team a lot. We just stuck to our principles a bit more, had a bit more belief in ourselves and it just shows, like even when we're up against it. We're in and getting the job done, which is great to see and hopefully that long may that continue, don't get too carried away and just enjoy it while it lasts.

DK: A string of free home games in a row now, which is pleasing.

MG: Yeah, it'd be nice Leamington won't be any mugs on Tuesday. And then got to try and take this form going forward. Even when we lost to Nuneaton, which was unfortunate. A little blip. We've come back stronger, which is good to see. We haven't gone within ourselves. We've actually kicked on again and put things right, kind of thing.

Manager Kevin Horlock gives his thoughts on yesterday's win.

DK: Good win from behind.

KH: Yeah. I thought the lads were magnificent today. It's always been a tough place to come. They're full of energy, they're good going forward. And to go a goal behind as well, from a set piece was disappointing, but the resilience the lads shown, I thought we dominated possession. We was in quite a bit of control. They're a threat, there's no doubt about that. The number seven is a real threat, they've got willing runners, but we coped with it really well. And the goals we scored were magnificent. And the block at the end as well. Marco making the save, that's what it's about. And I think today it probably shows us that we're more than capable, but it's about keeping us down the tie and not thinking we're there and not thinking we're too good just yet. We can reflect on that at the end of the season.

DK: Yeah. Like you say, not the best of starts from us, but the reaction.

KH: Yeah. I thought we started quite well in possession. We sort of run out of ideas a little bit and wasn't ruthless enough in the final third and then to go a goal behind it, it sort of gives you a mountain to climb. But this group of lads have shown time and time again that they're prepared to roll their sleeves up, fight for each other, do the horrible things really well and they often climb the mountain, which they have done today.

DK: Yeah. Two wins back to back from behind. It's pleasing, isn't it?

KH: Yeah. I think in years gone by, I think that wouldn't have happened. But we're a different animal now. I've said it many times, we've recruited really well, lost a couple and bought in four. And it's the strongest squad I've ever had. Not the biggest, but it's the strongest. We got players that can come on and like for like, and it doesn't weaken the team at all. We've got a real good group that want to work hard and listen and take things on board and apply it in games. So at the minute, it's going really well!

DK: The goals that we scored were superb today.

KH: Yeah. Seth's a young lad, he's sort of come of age a little bit, last seven, eight games, I think the pennies dropped. He's obviously quite a big lad. I think he's learning to use his body. And his goal was fantastic. Under a lot of pressure. It was a great finish, so I'm made up for him. So he's on a bit of a scoring spree at the minute and Ingers with a little header to obviously put us 2-1 up. He's been doing that for years, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.

DK: Yeah. From the edge of the box. To score that header is incredible.

KH: Yeah, he just got quite good contact on it. Obviously the keeper got caught unawares a little bit. I think he's hit the CrossBarn and off the keeper, I don't know what happened, really, but as long as it went in the back of the net, I'm not too fussed.

DK: And at the other end, the boys dug in brilliantly to preserve the lead.

KH: Yeah, I think across the board, I think we've got real good flair attacking players. I thought Jacob again was fantastic, but from the front we're prepared to work hard and defend, and at the end, the blocks are unbelievable. Marco's come out, made a save, and then I think there's five bodies. I think Keiran's got kicked in the face, but they're brave and they like defending and they don't want to concede goals, but it starts from the front. I think as a team we defend really well and players that are probably more known for their attacking flair are prepared to do it as well, which makes us a really hard team to beat.

DK: Could have made it safe towards the end when McGrath had a brilliant header saved.

KH: Yeah, there was a couple of chances. I think Pagey had one as well, which would have put the game to bed, but it weren't to be. But we're capable of seeing games out these days, so I wasn't too nervous towards the end.

DK: And with Keiran taking that knock to the head is he alright?

KH: He'll be fine. Keiran's an absolute warrior. His nose don't look too great. It's a bit swollen and obviously there's quite a bit of blood, but it'd be fine.

DK: Ended up nicking Ollie Fraser's shirt at the end.

KH: Although you couldn't see the blood on the red shirt, but if the ref checked, you've got to do it. So, yeah, he nicked Ollie's shirt and straight back on there with cotton wool up his nose.

DK: Mr Needham doing in style.

KH Yeah, exactly. And the lads are fantastic. I can't really give them enough credit that they were brilliant today. To come this far, all the away games and long trips on a really cold day, a goal down to come away with victory just says everything about them.

DK: Yeah, this is kind of like all seasons crunch time, but this especially is when your metal is tested.

KH: Yeah, I'm under no illusion. Yes, I'm really pleased with how the season's gone so far. It's still early days. You don't win nothing, you don't get in the playoffs or win titles at this time of year. I've been in football too long. It's got a horrible habit of kicking you when you least expect it. So we just keep working hard. We got a massive game on Tuesday, I think, where we can go top, and that's when the hard bit is staying there. Not getting there, it's staying there. And there'll be people chasing us down there's, teams winning games behind us. So it's far from over and we're far from secure the playoff spot yet.

DK: It'll be a tough game, but at least it's at home. And like you say, it'll be nice to go top, but we've got to do the job first.

KH: Yeah, they're all tough games, there's no easy ones. We're playing a good level of football and we want to progress and play higher as well, so there's no gimmies. And obviously I think Leamington have won again today, so they're on a rich vein of form themselves, so it should be a good game and if we turn up and play anywhere near as good as we can, we've got a good chance of winning.

DK: Would you say a good performance today or good in spells?

KH: I thought we were brilliant today to come away. At times we looked a little bit open, but we addressed that half time. But they've got some good players, they got players that are dangerous, but we kept them fairly quiet, albeit up until they had a chance late on, maybe through tired legs, but I think we're the real deal. But we just got to keep going and take it for a full season, not 16-17 games wherever we're at.

DK: Got to show it consistently week in and week out.

KH: Yeah, we have been. Look, we're going to lose games, there's no doubt about that, but as we've seen when we lost games previous, we've lost two in this season, we've bounced back. That's a mark of a good team that can take defeat, work on things that went wrong and put it right next game.

DK: Word on Nico, how's he doing?

KH: I'm hoping he possibly, maybe be involved Tuesday. I still don't know. He was still struggling this week, so it was too soon today, but obviously he's had the weekend on top of that, so hopefully we'll have more news on Monday.

DK: If not, hopefully Saturday.

KH: Fingers crossed. I hope so, because like I said, we haven't got a really big squad, we've got strong squad, but he would definitely be a massive plus for us and a fresh face with different attributes to what other lads have got and gives us a different dimension. So we're hoping to have him in the squad as soon as we can.

DK: Other than that, no one else Other than those two.

KH: Other than them too. Yeah, we should be good as long as Keiran's nose goes down enough so he can get his top on.

DK: Obviously Byron's gone on dual registration to Wanderers, which is good.

KH: Yeah, he just needs games and obviously Byron needs to push himself at that level. He's obviously played a few games in the U23s, he needs to step up and see if his ankle can withstand the next level up and then if that goes well, then albeit all being good, hopefully he'll be back with us before the end of the season.

I would like to I think you've got to give the lad that thing to shoot for if it doesn't. It takes a bit longer and it ends up next season, then so be it. But he's made massive strides in the last six months from where he was with the horrific injury. To even get back playing is testament to how hard he's worked. So we're giving the best opportunity and the loan move's the right thing for now and we'll see how it progresses.

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