Sunday 26 November 2023

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Jake Dye Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v Bromsgrove Sporting | 26.11.2023 | League |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on yesterday's win.

DK: Well, good win from behind that.

KH: Yeah, we got there in the end. I think first half we lacked a little bit of urgency. We needed to play a little bit quicker and obviously they scored. The goal we conceded is a little bit of a calamity where we've left the ball and the lads got in. It was a good finish, to be fair, but then it puts you on the back foot because teams that we've seen and Bromsgroves were no different. They come and tried to bank up a little bit and when they get a goal, they do that even more. So we had to be patient. We said we had to take risks in the second half and have a little bit more tempo about us and run forward and keep the ball alive and on regains when they try and clear it. And we did that, I thought, and in the end, I don't think anyone can grumble that we deserve to get the 3 points. At one point, it didn't look like it was going to come. We ve obviously missed a few chances today, but we've got the two important goals that get us to three points and that's what it was all about.

DK: Yeah. The only thing you probably could say is it could have been more goals for us.

KH: Yeah, it should have been. I think we've missed several today, but I don't mind that because it means we're getting in the right areas. I'd much rather miss chances than not create them at all. So on another day, I think we score probably four, five, six maybe, the goals disappointed that we conceded. Obviously we've sort of set our stall out to benchmark and the goals against is why we're where we are. This gives us the platform to win games. But yeah. we could have scored more, because other othe than the goal, I can't remember Marco doing too much. Maybe the free kick, save from the free kick, but it was pretty comfortable.

DK: Yeah. Having had a break without a game, it's good to obviously get the result, especially with players back.

KH: Yeah, that was important, obviously to get a result today. We're in amongst it, there's teams playing
each other today, so it was important that we did our job, which we have, full squad back playing
albeit some obviously not done a lot. So Reece didn't start, but yeah, it was a good three points and
we roll on to the next one!

DK: And good to see Seth with his 6th goal in two games now.

KH: Yeah. Seth's turned into a really good player. We all know from a young age what potential he had. I think he's sort of taking really big strides now. He's got a lot of goals, obviously, in the Premier Cup
last midweek, and today he's missed a couple, but he's a lad young lad, he's put himself in between the posts and he's there to miss them and fair play to him. He could have been a shrinking violet after he's missed a couple of chances, but he kept getting between the posts. The one he scored, he sort of tried to miss it, he's hit the post and come back to him. But fair play to him because it's not just his goals. I think he's maturing as a player. He's obviously a good size and he's starting to use his body more, hold the ball up more. And he's a real problem for defenders.

DK: And we're starting to get used to saying now, Jake dive with a header

KH: Yeah. To be fair, Jake's been tremendous since I've been back here, not just this season. He's matured as a player now. He's played a lot of football. Physically, he's as good as I've seen him and he gets forward, and yeah, he's got a couple now and it's a great ball. I thought Jacob Lay was magnificent today, caused the right back, no ends of problems, I think he went off with twisted blood in the end, I think the right back, but he's just stood it up backstick and Jake's come in, backstick. Hang time. Rose like a salmon, like you said, and nodded it home.

DK: Did I say he rose like a salmon?

KH: I thought you said it on Twitter.

DK: Oh, you saw the tweet!

KH: I saw the tweet mate!.

DK: That's nice. And obviously he's injured today, but it's nice to have Nico signed.

KH: Yeah. Disappointed for the lad, really, because we got it over the line and he trained with us on the
Monday and just felt a twinge in his ankle, which has unfortunately put him out today. But he's here
and he could be a good signing for us, just to add to what we've got. We're not a massive squad by any
means, but a fresh face and obviously he's a very good player, he showed that on Monday. So we're
looking forward, hopefully, to welcome him into the squad next week.

DK: Like we said before, wins from behind hasn't been something we've done this season, so it's another tick in the box!

KH: Yeah, it can be frustrating because obviously, like I said, teams do or are tending to come here and sit behind the ball anyway. When they get a goal up, it becomes a lot more difficult. The goalie is taking a minute and a half on every goal-kick and throw ins are taking longer. But once we got the goal,
obviously the game, there wasn't as much time wasting and it gave us that impetus to go and get the
win and and we got in in front quite quickly, which really helped. Obviously, then the goal kicks were taken a lot quicker, throw ins and I thought we was, to be fair, was going to go on and maybe win it by more. but weren't to be. I'll take that 2-1. And I thought we managed the game really well at the end.

DK: Two goals in two minutes. Perfect.

KH: Yeah. If you're going to score, it's nice to score back to back and we're just in that vein of form at the minute. We're confident, not too confident, because I think that's important. You need to still have that edge and that little bit of nervousness and butterflies when you play football. But were in a good place, but we got to keep going and working hard, training hard and see how far we can go with it.

DK: And having lost, I think the last few games between us and them, it's nice to finally get a win.

KH: Yeah, I think it was quite convincing, I thought, look, I thought they started really well, considering they're not in great form, they showed good energy and obviously the goal give them that lift, but we deserved winners, I don't think anyone can deny that. And like you say, it is nice to get one over and we obviously got the long journey to their place, which will be a tough game, but hopefully it'll be the double over them this season.

DK: And as you say, Saturday, Barwell way. Another tough team to play.

KH: They're all tough, there's no easy games, I think we've seen that. So going to Barwell, I can't remember getting too many great results there, so on 3G, but we go there, like I said, in good form, with confidence, with a full squad, so there'll be no excuses.

DK: Full squad, finally!

KH: More or less. Apart from Patch and obviously Byron, but yeah, everyone else back.

DK: Well, as long as Nico's back then that should be a full bench.

KH: Yeah, hopefully. Hopefully in competition for places, I say Jamie again, he's done well and done well when he went on, and Jamie missed out today, but I've said at the very start, if we're going to achieve things and have a good season, then we're going to need everyone and sometimes lads have to miss out.

Jake Dye reflects on yesterday's win.

DK: Nice win from behind. What do you make of it?

JD: Yeah, I thought first half wasn't bad but wasn't great from our standards. We didn't really retain the ball too well, didn't create too many chances. Played into their hands a little bit. And when the away team goes 1-0 up against a team up top, then they're going to camp in. And I thought we played into their hands a little bit, but, yeah, second half we showed the side, which is fighting at the top of the table and, yeah, ruthless when it counted. And, yeah, three more points onto next week.

DK: And another header for you for the collection.

JD: Another header. Yeah, just creeping around the back post but to be fair, Jacob Lay hung up a really, really, nice ball and yeah, just one to attack. Thankfully I was in the right place at the right time and yeah, chuffed with it.

DK: When we've had a little break without a game, it's nice to keep the ball rolling.

JD: Yeah, definitely. I think it works one of two ways. You can either be complacent and eleven days off, be a little bit rusty potentially going into the game, but we trained hard, got a few of our bodies back, which is important because they're key players. And yeah, hopefully. We can now kick on. And it's going to be a busy Christmas, but points up for grabs, which hopefully we'll do really well in.

DK: Yeah we've not had to come from behind much this season, but to do that is just another thing to say we can win anyway.

JD: Yeah, definitely. It shows us being a great team, we don't really concede too many goals, we usually wipe the floor with teams in the sense of we punish them when we can but yeah, show a different side
to us where come from behind. We dug them deep, made chances and then put them away when they
really mattered and to be fair, we probably could have scored four, five, six on another day. So yeah, signs of a good team..

DK: Yeah, we took our chances within two minutes we went from one nil down to 2-1 up and the game changed.

JD: Yeah, and like I said, we could have then easily added more to it. Unfortunately we didn't. But saying that we didn't really allow them back into the game, we sort of took control of the game, took control of the ball and kept it and yeah, we tried to push off it down as much as possible but I think
all round a good performance.

DK: Yeah, they didn't have many chances on our goal, maybe more so you could say because they might have sat back in a bit more but it also shows that defensively we're solid as a rock.

JD: Yeah, 100%. We gave a few sloppy set pieces away and they're quite a big team, they brought a big lad on towards the end so set pieces probably always going to be a danger, but like you say, we're defensively sound. We defended really, really well. And three more points.

DK: Confidence is flowing through the team at the minute, would you say?

JD: Yeah, we've got that sort of attitude about us and that little bit of, we know we're good enough, we don't really have too much arrogance as such. We've got a bit of a swagger about us, but rolling into each game more confident each time and, yeah, everything we're doing seems to be going
right for us. So long may it continue!

DK: On Saturday, away to Barwell, a team we're used to playing, long trip and hopefully should be a decent game.

JD: Yeah, 4G. So we should be able to get the ball down, play our style of football. Yeah, they're a good team. They've got a few decent players. We do our homework on them, we know what to expect. So, yeah, we shouldn't be fazed by it. We'll go straight into it and, like I say, hope they'll have three points.

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