Tuesday 27 February 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Post Match Interview | Needham Market 1-0 Stratford Town | 27.02.2024 |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on last night's win.

DK: Another three points on the board! 

KH: Yeah, that's what it's all about now, this stage of the season. It wasn't a spectacle by any means. They obviously camped up and obviously went long. It was difficult. We looked a little bit leggy, if I'm totally honest. So we obviously try and keep it quite light on Thursday. But this team just know how to win games of football. It is a great finish from Jamie, to be fair. He finishes like a player who's played much higher. But we never really looked like we had the energy tonight to create chances like we have done in the past. So, look, the games are taking the toll on us, but we don't concede and we've obviously scored. So that's a massive three points for us tonight.

DK: Yeah, took the goal when the chance arrived. 

KH: Yeah, yeah. Look, we are asking and pushing the lads to try and give us more and be a real threat in the final third, but if I'm totally honest, we looked a little bit leggy tonight. But we've got the three points we've come for and that's all that we needed. The one goal, obviously clean sheet again. So testament to the team. They worked so hard out of possession. So I can sort of turn a blind eye on us not having the energy that we have had. We've had a lot of games. Obviously, the away trip at Leamington took a lot out of us. So to get three points, clean sheet, no injuries, I'm a happy manager. Like I said, he's (Jamie's) a natural finisher. He doesn't panic. He just passed it into the corner, which was a great goal. I thought he was really good out of possession today. He's level-headed, backs himself, held the ball up as he was on Saturday. So yeah, fair play to him. 
They're all important. They're all important. Obviously, Stratford, let's not kid ourselves, I know it wasn't a spectacle to watch, but we're not going to blow teams away. Stratford are in their own right trying to fight to get into the playoffs. So they're not a million miles behind us. So to win against them tonight with a clean sheet is very pleasing. We're not going to blow teams away all the time. We've got another one tough on Saturday, Stamford, which will be very similar, I imagine. So we'll have to rest and recuperate, see where we are on Thursday and we go again. It was important. Like I say, they're a threat. They went quite long. The goalies got the biggest kick I've ever seen. And the nine was a handful. And they've sort of created half little chances. But we held firm and got the clean sheet, which was what we needed. And another three points to add to the tally. And we just want to keep getting as many points as we can and see where that takes us.

DK: Any word on Nico's injury? 

KH: Well, the scan has not been good on his hamstring. Hopefully it'll settle down and it won't be a season done because he's definitely added something to us. So I feel for the kid, but hopefully it'll be better news in the coming week.

DK: Is Reece getting closer? 

KH: Getting closer. Milzy has done the warm-up tonight, so could figure on Saturday.
So that brings fresh legs into the group. So, yeah, we're all right. We're tired, but we've got three points. So now the lads can rest. And like I say, I'll look after them. We'll come in on Thursday. We'll do a light session to get the lactic acid out of the legs. And we'll go again Saturday because we want another three points. Patch is obviously getting on well. He's figuring in the 23s and he's feeling good. So obviously we're not going to rush him, but he was in the squad tonight. And hopefully he'll just keep progressing, getting minutes. And before the end of the season, he'll be figuring. 

DK: Is Ollie Fraser back permanently, or still with Wanderers? 

KH: It's just we needed bodies. Obviously with Nico being out and Milzy not being available, we was a little bit light. So obviously we needed Ollie involved with us tonight to just give us the numbers really. He's still dual-redged, so we'll see where we are on Thursday, whether he'll be with us on Saturday or back with Wanderers.

DK: As you mentioned before, Saturday is set to be a similar game to tonight against the team in seventh? 

KH: Yep. So we've played all the teams that are in and around us now. Obviously we've got Redditch to come as well and obviously Mickleover towards the back end of the season. So we just want to rack up as many points as we can. So when we've got these games towards the end of the season, we're in a really good position.

Tommy Smith | Get To Know Q+A #16 | 17.02.2024

Defender Tommy Smith is next up in our Q&A series.

Quickfire Questions
Favourite hot drink: Hot chocolate. 
Favourite cold drink: I like a Coke. I like Dr Pepper. 
Favourite snack: It would be crisps. It would probably be Doritos or I don't mind some Snacker Jacks. 
Favourite takeaway or dinner? Nandos, easily. 
Favourite TV show? Prison Break. 
What's your favourite hobby other than football? I definitely like to play some Xbox in my spare time. I like Call of Duty, I like FIFA.
What team do you support? Liverpool. Liverpool? 
Your favourite pro player, current or all-time? Current would probably be Trent Alexander-Arnold, but all-time would be Gerrard. 
Favourite song or musician? I don't really have a favourite specifically, but I like old school sort of pop and hip-hop and stuff like that. 
Favourite moment in a Needham shirt so far and why? Favourite experiences this season would be York City away. Worst experience would obviously be Stratford. But, I mean, overall, I liked Telford away. I thought that was a really good performance. So, it would probably be York City away.
If there was any player you could swap places with, like professional, anyone, current, gone, who would it be and why? It would probably be... I know Jude Bellingham is quite obvious answer, so, I'd probably say Steven Gerrard, just in the past. 
Do you own any sporting memorabilia? If so, what are they? So, I wouldn't own anything specifically signed or anything, but I've got hundreds, well, not hundreds, but I've got tens, twenties of the old school Liverpool shirts from pretty much when I was six, seven years old, all the way up to probably 17, 18.
Who do you say is the best singer in the squad? Well, I actually don't know who to sing. Probably, I reckon Marco's got a voice, he likes to sometimes give it a bit occasionally, so probably Marco. 
Best trainer? Best trainer, I'd probably say Marco. I'd probably say Keiran. 
If you could be involved in any sporting event ever, what would it be and why? It would definitely be 2005 Champions League final in Liverpool, Istanbul.

Player Profile
What's the one thing you think you're personally known best for as a player and why? 
TS: I think I'm personally known best for my consistent performances, I would say. But yeah, I'd say consistent performances.

What inspired you to be a footballer?
TS: I've just always had a ball. From a young age, I've always known my dad to be my manager, so probably him. I've always just walked straight into it, really. It was quite easy. 

Best player you've played with and why? 
TS: Best player I've played with is probably Flynn Downes when I was at Ipswich. He was just something, he didn't give the ball away. Even though that was pre-season, he still wasn't giving the ball away. He was still giving everything 100% on how he would do in a normal game. So yeah, I'd say Flynn.

How have you found the difference between academy and men's football? 
TS: It is a lot different. Obviously, I had experience at Bury when I was on my loan at Ipswich as well. It is a lot different. It's more result-based, obviously, which affects how you play in the game. Obviously, if it wasn't result-based, you'd be working on performances more than trying to get a result, which is the other way around here. You want to be winning games of football, and especially how we are this season, that is literally all we care about right now, is winning games of football. So it was hard to get used to maybe at the start for a few months maybe at Bury, but since Stiwmarket in the evening, I've found it fairly normal. 

Have you found a difference between Step 3 and Step 4?
TS: There's definitely a difference, yeah. You get a lot more ex-professionals and players that have played at higher leagues in this level, and you know it when you play against them. They've definitely played the game for a long time. But it's more quick as well. You don't have a lot more time on the ball. There's always somebody pressing you. You've got to work out how other teams play and try and adjust your play to beat them. Whereas sometimes in Step 4, you just put 11 players out there, and the better players will win the game. This is definitely more tactical, this league. 

Has it helped that we've been flying this season?
TS: It has helped. It has. Maybe this answer is different to how it was last season, but from my experience, it's really easy adjusting to Needham, especially with how Needham play. It suits me perfectly. I think that's shown this season for the whole squad. So I'm just happy really it worked out.


Sunday 25 February 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock, Jamie McGrath + Marcus Garnham Post Match Interviews | Leamington v Needham Market | 20.02.2024 |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on yesterday's trip to Leamington.

DK: A huge win?!

KH: They are all massive, to be fair, but that was a big game. Everyone knew, obviously, coming into it. It was obviously one of our games in hand on Redditch who didn't play today. Leamington, who obviously, in and around the play-offs, want to cement their place in there. So, yeah, it was a massive day. It wasn't a spectacle. The game was a little bit bitty and the pitch was heavy, but the three points on offer were massive for both teams. Obviously, I'm buzzing that we come out with them.

DK: A bit of two-and-throw for both sides in this game. So, would you say the win was a fair result? 

KH: I don't know. I think either team could have won it. We've missed a penalty, they've missed a penalty. There wasn't loads of clear-cut chances in the game, but obviously, the one that wasn't in clear-cut, to be fair, was a great finish from Jamie. But the big moment in the game, obviously, upstood Jamie with a bit of magic. I think it was a backheel in the end and he was very good today and I think he deserved that. But they're key moments. They're big moments in games where you need big players to be able to step up and take them. And we did that and I thought we defended really well. And they've had half-chances but couldn't put it in the net. That's the hardest thing to do in football, but we did. So, I don't think I would have grumbled with a point, I would have took a point at the start. But to leave with three is a big bonus.

DK: Yeah, coming away with max points at another team towards the top of the table, it's those that are a marker for the season.

KH: Yeah, we need to back it up. It's obviously one of our games in hand on some of the teams. We've got another game Tuesday, Stratford. So, if we can back that up with another three points, then that puts us in a really strong position. 

DK: But Nico going off injured wasn't ideal. 

KH: Yeah, not ideal. Obviously, we've got a couple of injuries at the minute with Milzy not back, but I'm hoping he'll be back soon. Yeah, we didn't want to risk it. So, there's no point in going back on. He felt his hamstring. So, I'm hoping it's not too bad and it'll be OK for maybe Tuesday, possibly Saturday. But we'll see.

DK: The way we've been this season, we've been clinical on key moments.

KH: Yeah, I think that's key. I think the biggest thing, I think everyone's aware of it. We don't concede many goals. I think it's 20 goals in 28 games. Six of them was in the first game, so 14 games in 27 games is incredible, really, and that's what gives you the chance. I've said it many times. That gives you a chance to win games 1-0, the tough games, the ones that there's a lot on. It gives you that platform to go and nick a win like we have done today. So, fair play to all the lads. They just never know when they're beat. They grind out results. So, yes, I'm really proud of them and proud to be the manager. 

DK: When we haven't really had much opportunity to play our free-flowing football, it makes it even more pleasing.

KH: Yes, I think that's one thing that we've added in this year. We've tried to play a little bit different at times, away from home on tough pitches. We know we can play. Everyone knows we can play. We've played out from the back. We've passed teams to death. We've scored some unbelievable goals. But the bit we were missing maybe last year, the year before, was we couldn't win ugly. We didn't do the ugly side of the game. We didn't leave the ball in areas. We always wanted to overplay. So, we've mixed it up a little bit this year and we're reaping the rewards of that. Yes, I think we've improved massively on that. I think we work a little bit harder as well, but not just harder. I think we work cleverer. I think we pick up second balls, we're in the right areas at the right times. The lads are chasing lost causes and they stick together. They're a proper, proper team. And I don't mean just to start there. The group as a whole, the squad, are real together. I can make changes and know that it's going to improve us if anyone's injured or tired. It's like for like. We're not clutching at straws. So, overall, we're in a really good place. And games are running out. I don't know how many that is we've got left, 12 games left? So, keep ticking them off and keep grinding out results. We want to get as many points as we can and see where that takes us. I think squeaky bum time is there from the very start. You want to test yourself and you want to put pressure on yourself to win as many games as possible. So, squeaky bum time is not now. We're clear at the top and we want to keep winning games. So, we'll embrace that, we'll bring it on and enjoy it and we'll see where it goes. But we've got another massive game on Tuesday.

DK: Yeah, roll on Tuesday. Stratford, which we need to expel the first game of the season.

KH: Yeah, obviously, we want to try and make some of the goal difference up on them. Obviously, they put six by us. I don't think it was a 6-1 game, if I'm totally honest, but it was a tough game. Obviously, we could have scored many ourselves. So, hopefully, we can put that right and obviously get the win on Tuesday. So, hopefully, all the little knocks and bumps will be fine. We'll rest. We've got a couple of days rest in that and then we'll go again Tuesday.

Match winner Jamie McGrath talks about scoring his second in as many games and more. 

DK: Two goals in two games now for you, you must be pleased? 

JMcG: Yeah, very pleased. I mean, that's always what I want to do, is contribute by scoring goals or in any other way possible really, but obviously it's another massive three points which is the main thing. We knew this was going to be a tough place to come. They're doing well in the league, they're up there. I don't imagine many teams have come here and won, so yeah, I think a draw would have been not a bad result, but obviously we aim to beat everyone that we come up against and thankfully we were able to do that today.

DK: Talk us through your finish.

JMcG: I don't know, I've sort of seen the ball coming across the goal. Obviously my back is to the goal, so I've just tried to get a decent contact on it and sort of flick it around the defender and thankfully it's gone in the bottom corner.

DK: Did you actually know where the goal was? 

JMcG: Yeah, I feel like when you're in the six yard box, you always have sort of an awareness of where the goal is. So, yeah, I knew what I was trying to do with it and thankfully I was able to execute it. 

DK: And after scoring on Tuesday, it must make you doubly pleased.

JMcG: Yeah, I think so. I mean, it's always nice to back up a goal with another one because I think it builds momentum, it builds confidence. So, yeah, if you're feeling good in front of goal, that's obviously a really important thing. 

DK: Do you think your goal came at the best time it could have? 

JMcG: Yeah, I guess so. Obviously, it was quite late on in the game and it meant after that we had sort of 10, 15 minutes to defend resolutely, which thankfully we were able to do. Marco made some incredible saves and the back four were as brilliant as they've been all season, heading everything away. And to be fair, the whole team was back there defending. So, real team effort, I think, that last 10, 15 minutes. 

DK: Do you think the game reflected a top five clash? 

JMcG: Yeah, I suppose so. I don't think we probably played our best football today and they probably would say the same thing, but that made it a real battle. It was quite a physical game. So, I think in terms of how tight it was, then yeah, I guess so. But perhaps there could have been a bit more quality on display.

DK: Tuesday, Stratford at home, need to right some wrongs there. 

JMcG: Yeah, it's another massive game. Obviously, like you say, first game of the season didn't go the way we wanted it to at all. But yeah, like you say, hopefully we can put that right. But at the end of the day, it's just another game, another three points up for grabs.

Man Of The Match Marcus Garnham reflects on his double save. 

DK: Some big saves from you and a big three points. 

MG: Yeah, we won, that's what matters and we all did our jobs and worked hard for each other and then McGrath scored a cracking goal at the end to be fair, like where he just flicked it in far post, which was brilliant. So yeah, I'm really pleased for the boys, really pleased for everyone really. Supporters that have come this way and made a massive noise, which I actually love. So yeah, it's been a great day. 

DK: We've just had a vote and you've been given man of the match.

MG: Yeah, well, it's fine, I don't mind. It doesn't really bother me. Appreciate it though, but more importantly, we got three points. That's what matters, that we're winning and helping each other out when we need to, you know. And today it's my turn to be called upon and help out. Normally it's Keiran and Dan just mopping everything up and giving me absolutely nothing to do. And these guys are a good side, Leamington , so they're going to give us problems, especially with the sun and stuff. So yeah, I'm really pleased for the lads. Showed a lot of resilience and dug in.

DK: Talk us through that penalty save. 

MG: Couldn't really see the ball, to be fair, to the sun and then just picked the side, saved it, saved the rebound. Happy days, really.

DK: Was that was probably the biggest moment in the game, the double save from that pen?

MG: Yeah, I mean, there's always poignant moments in a game. I mean, if McGrath didn't pull off that flick and score a wonderful goal, we wouldn't be so elated and disappointed, probably. I mean, Leamington are no mugs, they're really good, they're a good side. They're very on the front foot. You know, they're very aggressive in the way they play and you can see why they're up there. But no, all of us done well today and they should be really proud of what they've achieved today.

DK: Yeah, like you say, it extends our lead at the top and an absolute brilliant performance.

MG: Yeah, just, you know, take one game as it comes and enjoy it while it lasts. It won't last forever and just take every game as it comes and just see what happens by the end of the season.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Seth Chambers Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v Ipswich Town U18S | 20.02.2024 | Suffolk Premier Cup SF |

Kevin Horlock reflects on last night's win over Ipswich Town Under-18s.

DK: Into the final, you must be pleased? 

KH: Yes, that's what it was about tonight. Obviously, we rotated a little bit. I think it was four changes, giving lads minutes for what is going to be a massive end to the season for us. So, with all of that getting to the final, we obviously don't just want to get there. We want to go on and win it. So, tonight was a tough test. I thought Ipswich played really well first half. They passed it around well. They showed good strength, quite direct, and they landed on the ball in advanced areas. They were running at us, but I just thought we possibly showed them a little bit too much respect. We didn't really put ourselves on the game and show our strength. So, we addressed that at half-time. I thought the second half was a really good performance. We created lots of chances and could have scored more. I know Marcos made saves first half, but second half, we were pretty comfortable and obviously sending off helps, obviously. But I think by that stage, it was pretty clear that we were probably going to go on and win it. 

DK: A superb game for the neutrals? 

KH: Yeah, it was a good football game, wasn't it? First half, I think second half was more of a proper match in terms of there was tackles. There was aerial battles. There was obviously a bit of argy-bargy and pushing and stuff. First half was a little bit Academy football. I think we got sucked into it where they were playing out from the back and we were trying to play all these little pretty triangles where the real football that we play is leaving it in good areas, making the defenders run towards their own goal and feel uncomfortable. And then they drop off and then you get the opportunity to play. And I thought we took on instruction at half-time and carried it out really well second half. 

DK: The second half comeback was great, not just the manner we scored in quickfire fashion, but also the way the goals were taken.

KH: Yeah, there were some real good goals. I thought Seth put himself about. He caused problems second half. Obviously, throughout the team, there was that little lift in energy. And I've said it about this group before, they find a way to win. Things didn't go our way first half. We found ourselves 2-1 down, but this team is never beaten. And again, we showed real qualities of sticking together, team spirit, fighting back and getting across the line and finding a way to win. So, yeah, it was a really good performance in the end.

DK: And Eddie Barker got his first team debut as well. 

KH: Yeah, it's pleasing. Dylan, obviously, is not here. So we was a little bit light today. So we only had three on the bench. And I think it was important that he's done well in the 23s. And I thought it was important that I give him some minutes. Obviously, I would have liked to have given him longer. But the way the game panned out, that's just how it happened. So credit to him. He's a good young footballer and hopefully another one that's coming through the academy that's going to make the journey all the way into the first team. 

DK: Why was Dylan not here tonight? 

KH: He was unwell, Dylan, today. So he stayed away and stayed in bed. Obviously, I don't want him getting it passed on to any of the other lads. So obviously, we could afford to do it tonight with lads that wanted to get minutes. So we'll train Thursday. Hopefully, Dylan will be better and we'll have a full squad. It's good to see Patch back today, albeit for 20 minutes, what it was. Byron, obviously, playing. So, yeah, it's a happy camp. And nearly, I think it is a full-fit camp other than Rhys Harris.

DK: How do you reflect on the team performance? 

KH: Yeah, I think it was really good. Like I said, I think we showed him a little bit too much respect first half and didn't press nowhere near high enough, nowhere near with the energy that we normally do it with. But I thought second half, once we did that and addressed it at half-time, I thought we looked dangerous. We pushed two up top, caused problems and left it in behind them. And it worked today. So, yeah, it was a good day all round.

DK: Do you think the sending off impacted the game? 

KH: I think it made it a lot more difficult for them. There's no doubt about that. But I think we were turning the screw. We obviously got back level and I think there was probably only going to be one winner. Albeit, they gave us a real good game. They were obviously a young side, mainly scholars. I think there was three pros in there, but mainly scholars. So, that would have been a good test for them tonight, as it was a good test for us, because we don't normally have teams in our league that play the way, obviously, Ipswich do and the way that they keep the ball, they protect the ball, that they're prepared to take it in tight areas when they're marked. So, we don't normally face that. So, it was good for us and hopefully they've got something out of it as well in terms of playing a top-run league team at Step 3.

DK: Saturday, we're away at Leamington, another big one.

KH: Yes, they're all big now. I think someone said, that's another cup final win. I said, we've got another 13 cup finals before we worry about the Premier Cup. We've got big games ahead. There's going to be bumps in the road, no doubt. But I trust this group. This group don't know when they're beaten and they give everything, so, I'm proud to be their manager. 

Seth Chambers also reflects on last night's semi-final. 

DK: Another two goals for you in this competition, you must be pleased? 

SC: Yeah, it's nice to get two. I kept plugging away, I missed a fair few in fairness. So it's nice to get the two in the end, but to get into the next round is the main thing really, so I'm happy with that.
DK: Yeah, a bit of a topsy-turvy game, you must be pleased that we got over the line? 
SC: Yeah, it was good to obviously get the win in the end. I think we know as a whole that that's not necessarily good enough. First half, that wasn't good enough from us, but what's good is we're finding ways to win regardless of the opposition and that's the main thing really, getting the win, getting into the next round or getting the three points, whatever it is, making sure you get over the line.

DK: It must make it more satisfying being the match winner again? 
SC: Yeah, like I said, it was a frustrating game. The ball was struggling to stick, you blame the conditions of the pitch or whatever, but I didn't have my greatest game today in fairness. It was nice to get the goals in the end, but I'm just glad we managed to, like I said, get over the line.

DK: Kind of sums up football, you feel like the day's not going for you and all of a sudden the ball falls perfectly?
SC: Yeah, that's football at the end of the day. You can miss 20, but you've just got to get on with it and get on to the next one. Thankfully, I've managed to do that and like you said, I've managed to get one and then another after that, so it's a funny old game.

DK: Must keep your confidence up high though with big games to come? 
SC: Yeah, like you said, it's good habits. Obviously, I know I've missed a few, but if you're getting in the right areas, you're making the chances happen. I'm glad that a few of them have come off. Jacob's had a good shot, I've managed to follow it in and Tev's put in a good ball, which I've managed to get in as well. It's always good to get some goals and I think as a team, if you're high scoring, regardless of the game, they're good habits to be in. 
DK: And having scored 10 goals in this competition now this season, you must love playing in it?
SC: Yeah, it's a big deal in terms of the league's important and other Cup competitions, but the Premier Cup, you've got to make sure you show the rest of the county really where you're at. Thankfully, over the last few years, we've managed to do that and we take the competition seriously. I'm glad that we've managed to get into the final and hopefully we can get our hands on it again.
Eddie Barker comments on making his first team debut. 

"It feels good to have made my debut it was a great experience and a clear step up from u23 football. I really enjoyed the challenge and was great to be a part of an important win." 

Sunday 18 February 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Tommy Smith Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v Long Eaton United | 17.02.2024 |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on the win over Long Eaton.

DK: Got there in the end? 

KH: Yeah, it wasn't the spectacle that probably everyone wanted to see. They probably see top V near bottom, thinking it was going to be a goal fest. It just didn't turn out that way. It was a little bit slow from us. We'd obviously scored early on and whether that contributed us playing a little bit slower and keeping the ball, possibly. I sensed that against a run of play, there could be a goal against. That happened and obviously then you start thinking, how are we going to get across the line? I said to them many times that if we are going to achieve anything, it is the squad. I thought the substitutes come on and added a little bit of spark. Obviously, Ingers has hit the post and then Jamie has followed up, so the two subs were involved in it.
We win the game, which is all that matters. It wasn't a great game by any means. It's not a game you'll watch back. It wasn't a game that got everyone off the edge of their seats and excited. It's another three points to our total, so we keep pushing and see how big a total we can get and see where it takes us. 

DK: Do you think the goal in the first minute hindered us slightly?

KH: I don't know. We're not always going to play scintillating football. We're not always going to blow teams away like we did to Leiston. There's going to be moments and bumps in the road where you have to deal with it. You have to come up with a solution. You have to come up with an answer and have to find a way to win. Today was one of those games. They're fighting for their lives. They're scrapping at the bottom and want to try and stay up if they possibly can. It made it a tough afternoon for us. We were below par. There's no doubt about that, but three points is all that matters. That's all we come for. That's all we ask for and that's what we got. We'll take it and move on.

DK: Overall, though, a good team performance? 

KH: It was okay. I don't think we ever looked under pressure, really. Obviously, the goal was a mistake and that's what happens when you have long periods of possession. You can sometimes lose a little bit of concentration at the back, which we don't normally do.
I think I've said many a time, Marco and back four have been the foundations which we've built our season on, where we've been able to go on and win games because we're so tight at the back. It was a little bit of a mistake. Obviously, it gives them a sniff. This group don't know when they'll beat. They keep going to the very end. The substitutions were really important for us. We've got players like we've got coming on to the pitch. Late on stages always gives you a chance. It was a great goal, actually. It was a good cross. Obviously, a header. The keeper's made a save. All I know is Jamie was there, nice and lively, in the six-yard box to poke it home and get us the three points. That's a bigger win as any other win. It's as big as the Leiston one on a Tuesday night.
There's bigger games to come. 

DK: Like you say, all that's important is that we've now made it four straight wins. 

KH: Yes, we want to keep that going as long as possible.
Obviously, we've got tough games coming up. We have a little break now. We've got the Premier Cup, which will enable me to rotate it slightly. Obviously, a big one next week away at Leamington. 

DK: Patch was back with the 23s today? 

KH: Yes. I don't know how he's got on as such, but he's obviously showing real good signs of recovery from his injury. This is his next step. Hopefully, he comes through that unscathed and then we'll see where he's at. 

DK: Moving on to Tuesday, it'll be a much different test for us.

KH: Yes. Obviously, we're going to be coming up against young players with bags of potential, bags of ability. So, we'll have to be right on it, and obviously, we're defending the Premier Cup, which we really enjoy playing and we enjoy winning. It's three years on the spin now. We want to make it four. So, I'll pick a team. Obviously, we will rotate a little bit, but I'll pick a team that hopefully can deal with the young Ipswich players and progress into the final. 

DK: Will you approach it a little bit differently? 

KH: Not really. Every game I play, and Tom's the same, obviously, we want to win. We want to win every game we play. So, I suppose approach it differently, maybe make changes and rotate it a little bit more than I probably would if it was a league game, but that's only really to give lads minutes and get them ready for the last bit of the season. We want lads all firing on all cylinders because the games are running out, but there's some massive important games from now until the end of the season. So, we want to progress on Tuesday and get to the final and go on to win it again.
But in the same breath, I want to give lads minutes in their legs, which make them available for the league games that are going to be coming up as well.

DK: Will Nico and Manny will be eligible for us Tuesday?

KH: No, Nico and Manny won't play in that game. Obviously, their parent club is Ipswich, so they won't be featuring in that game for us or them. So, that leaves us a little bit short, but it means lads that probably haven't started last few can come in and start and shuffle it about and see if we can get through the game with no injuries, but more importantly, get through the game by winning and into the final. 

DK: Where does that leave us with Hugh and Ollie then? 

KH: No, Hugh's on loan, so Hugh's out on loan, so he's not able to be called back. Ollie could potentially be used, but I'll have to see what injuries we've got and knocks we've got from today before I'm out the corner.
I don't envisage myself calling Ollie back to play.

Tommy Smith gives his thoughts on yesterday's win. 

DK: Must be pleased to get another three points on the board?

TS: Yeah, at this point in the season, that's really the main thing. Obviously, if you can play well, that helps, but the main thing is the three points. So I was pleased with it.

DK: Had to dig in a bit, but got there in the end. 

TS: Yeah, we had to dig in deep. I thought we dominated the whole game, to be honest with you, but the game's going to be tough now. You've got to really just dig deep and that's what we did today. 

DK: Sometimes you're going to need to do that, so it's important to be able to.

TS: Exactly, but I think we've been doing that all season. I don't think we've been dominated at all all season, apart from the first game. So I think we're more than capable of winning this game, even though they scored the goal.

DK: Sometimes you can think in that moment, oh, it's not going to go for us, but you're pretty confident that it would. 

TS: Yeah, obviously, when a goal goes in against you and it's not too long left, you're always thinking we could drop points here. But this team, all season long, has found a way. Whether that's been scrappy goals, screamers, there's always a way of us scoring a goal. 

DK: It must be pleasing to be part of a team that's quite solid and racking up points.

TS: Yeah, I think the majority of the season we've won games by the odd goal, by one nil, two nil. And that's always good as a defensive unit to keep clean sheets. Obviously, it wasn't the case today, but we still have limited them to very few chances. And we managed to put two past them, so that's good.

DK: And the goal coming within the first minute, it's not something we normally get. 

TS: No, we haven't actually had too many early goals this season, but it was a perfect start. Obviously, that would make them have to come out a little bit more, obviously, to try and get something from the game, but that was the perfect start, yes.

DK: And up next Tuesday, Ipswich U18s. 

TS: I'm not sure I'll know any of them until the match will be on. I think a lot of it's changed. But it's just another game for us. I think we've got four or five Tuesday fixtures coming up now in a row. So it's just the start of a really long road. But yeah, we'll be ready to go for that. 

Saturday 17 February 2024

Seth Chambers | Get To Know Q&A #15 | 14.02.2024 |

Striker Seth Chambers is up next in our 'Get To Know' Q&A series. 

Quickfire Questions 
Favourite hot drink: Cup of tea. 
Favourite cold drink: Orange juice. 
Favourite snack: Mars bar. 
Favourite takeaway or dinner: Chippy/Indian or roast dinner. 
Favourite TV show: Peaky Blinders. 
Favourite Film: Moneyball. 
Favourite hobby other than football? Tennis/cricket. 
What team do you support? Manchester United. 
Favourite professional player, current or all time? All time would be Van Persie, current would be Kane. 
Favourite song or musician? Noah Kahan or Sam fender currently. 
Favourite moment playing football so far? SC: Favourite moment would be either the Stowmarket game for individual reasons and then playing at Burton, was obviously amazing. 
Do you own any sporting memorabilia, if so what? SC: Memorabilia wise I’ve got a lot of original things from the 50s and 60s for Manchester United from grandparents. 

Player Profile:
What’s the one thing you think you’re known for best as a player and why? 
SC: As a player I reckon a lot of the lads would say I’m pretty off the cuff or out of the box, whether that’s good or bad I’m not sure😂. 
What inspired you to be a footballer? SC: Probably just playing from and I’d probably say my dad was a massive reason
Who’s the best player you’ve played with? SC: Best players I’ve played with would be Keiran/Jakey/Marco. 

Wednesday 14 February 2024

REACTION | Emmanuel Okunowo, Kevin Horlock + Dylan Williams Post Match Interviews | Needham Market 5-0 Leiston | 13.02.2024 |

On-loan Ipswich Town midfielder Emmanuel Okunowo reflects on his home debut for the club.

DK: Must be nice to make your home debut for the club? 

EO: Yeah, well, it's been a long time coming, so obviously good to get minutes. Just had to trust in the manager, the gaffer. He said, obviously, the boys are doing well now, so it's hard to get into the team. But that's why I've got to train hard, keep working hard. So when I get my minutes, I've got to take it. 

DK: How have you found it so far? 

EO: Yeah, it's been good. The boys have been welcoming. All the boys are lovely, obviously. It's a great environment. The boys are near promotion, so it's just about pushing on to the end of the season. 

DK: How did you find the game tonight? 

EO: Yeah, obviously, local derby rivals, good to play. I think the boys are well up for it. Yeah, game was good.

DK: Did it make it more interesting playing against teammates from Ipswich?

EO: Yeah, obviously. I know most of the boys in that team. Obviously, you want to win, so the main thing is you've got to win. And obviously, we'll have a banner at the club when we get back. So that's good.

DK: You also must be pleased to have got plenty of minutes tonight, having had your loan recently extended? 

EO: Yeah, obviously, over the first month, I didn't get many minutes. So I thought I couldn't leave it on that note. So obviously, I wanted to extend it, prove a point. And yeah, hopefully, this is a stepping stone. Hopefully, I can get many more minutes and a start, hopefully. Another good game (on Saturday), another chance to improve, another chance to get more minutes, and obviously, you (want to) get the win and another three points. 

DK: And you're getting minutes for Town 21s in the meantime as well? 

EO: Yeah, it's a really good hybrid schedule. So obviously, to keep fit, I have to get minutes as well. So playing with the boys at Town and playing here is a really good mix. I think it's what I need right now. Next stage of my development, men's football and keeping fit. So I think that's the most important thing. 

DK: So you're relishing the differences between academy football and men's football? 

EO: Yeah, well, the boys here, you're obviously fighting for three points, and it's important. So the boys here, obviously, they've got things to do. They've got promotion to look forward to. Whereas academy football, if you lose, it's not the be-all and end-all. So I think it's a bit more important here, and it's just a different side of the game that I need to learn.

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on last night's 5-0 win. 

DK: Well, top in style. 

KH: Yeah, it was a great night for us. Obviously, I expected it to be a little bit tougher than that, if I'm totally honest, but yeah, we won at the canter in the end. And I know I said it now and again, it could have been 10, but that literally could have been 10. I think we were close. And if we were a little bit more ruthless, it's difficult for me to be too harsh on the lads, because we won 5-0, but it could have been a lot more.

DK: Yeah, first half, we were clinical.

KH: Well, we had opportunities, I think. We got in good areas. I think we hit the post, Nico. And I think if we had that ruthlessness tonight, we could have been 5-0 up at half-time. Or at least 3-0 up before we scored, so it could have been 6-0. But that's what happens really when it was, and it did become, a little bit too easy for us. But it gives me an opportunity to rest players, which is good. We've got clean sheets, no bookings, and five goals. Overall, it was a really pleasing night for us. 

DK: Perfection? 

KH: Nearly. If we'd have got 10, it would have been perfection, because we did create chances. And with that final touch, or that final pass, a little bit more quality, it would have been a lot more. But you can't really grumble at 5-0 against your local rivals in the Suffolk Derby. Coming away with a 5-0 win, that comfortable, is pretty rare.

DK: I know Tev got man of the match tonight, but near enough, every one could have been. 

KH: Yeah, I think Nico was good again. I thought he was good Saturday, and he looked dangerous tonight. We controlled every area of the park. I don't think they laid a glove on us, to be fair. We were comfortable at the back, controlled it in midfield, and looked a threat going forward. So across the board, I think all the players did really well. And obviously, collectively as a team, we're hard to break down and score against. So once you start round 2, 3, 4-0 up, it's a long way back for anybody. Yeah, the only time we conceded more than three was obviously Stratford. Six, first game of the season, we're a different animal from that day now. So 3-0 (at half-time) was comfortable. My message to the lads was to move the ball, and not to take liberties and create and go and score goals, because obviously it helps your goal difference, getting as many as you can. I would have liked to get more, but I'll settle for five. I'm smiling.

DK: It must be nice for you because Manny got his home debut? 

KH: Yeah, obviously he's had to be patient in games. I've not really had the opportunity to put him in, and we've put players on in different positions. So tonight was a perfect opportunity for him to go on and obviously get minutes. Byron, the same, on to get minutes. Ingers started tonight for the first time for a little while. So did Dylan again, come in. So it was an opportunity to rotate slightly, but then rest lads and give lads minutes when I could. So it was more or less on that front a perfect night. 

DK: Yeah, from 4-4-2 Saturday, we went back to what we're more used to with just one up top. 

KH: Yeah, we went back to 4-3-3 and obviously Jacob Lay come in, who obviously didn't start on Saturday, come on and affected the game, as did Ingers. So yeah, I started them tonight, which meant Jamie McGrath and Seth missed out. I've said it many times, if we are going to be successful and have success as a group, it will be the whole group. You'll have to understand at times, but I thought it was a good performance all round. I thought the subs come on and played their part as well. To score five goals at home in the Suffolk Derby and concede none yet again, it's a good night's work. 

DK: As you say, Byron's first league appearance since that horrific day. 

KH: Yeah, it was a big moment. I know it seems such a long time ago and the lad's had it really tough. He's worked ever so hard. He's obviously gone out on loan. He's played games in the U23s, gone out on loan, at Ipswich Wanderers. He's come back and he doesn't look a million miles off. Obviously, he's going to need games at this level to get up to proper speed, but he's moving well and so far so good. There's no reaction and he feels good in himself. So, he'll probably get opportunities before the end of the season, because there's still quite a lot of games left. 

DK: Back here again on Saturday, against Long Eaton. 

KH: Yeah, it's about keeping them standards and being persistent with it and doing all the hard things in football, running and tackling and taking knocks and putting your body on the line. So, it's a fairly quick turnaround, but we've got a squad all capable of starting. So, we'll see where we are Thursday. We'll train and see where we are. Obviously, we want another three points. 

DK: What do you want other than three points from Saturday? 

KH: That's it. That's all we're after now. We're at the nitty-gritty end and games are running out. We're in a really good position, but it's not home and hosed yet. There's going to be hiccups along the way and we might lose the odd game, but we'll be ready. We'll know what we're facing. In terms of the opposition, Tom puts loads of work into that and tells the lads what to expect. We'll be full tilt. We train properly Thursday and then we'll see where we are. 

DK: Any update on Milzy? 

KH: Milzy's probably going to be a couple of weeks. I think his ankle's quite swollen. So, albeit in the past, Milsy is quite a quick healer. So, it may be slightly less, but I doubt it.
So, probably a couple of weeks, I'd say. 

DK: Is Reece any closer? 

KH: Rhys is a little way. He's not training as yet. He's just strengthening on his own and doing rehab. So, they're two players that when the nitty-gritty comes, they're two players that we could welcome back into the squad. No rush at the moment. It can change quite quickly with knocks and that, but at the minute, touch wood, we're in a good place.

Goalscorer Dylan Williams also gave his thoughts on yesterday's win. 

DK: A goal on your first start in a little while, you must be pleased? 

DW: Yeah, I'm happy with it. It was a nice finish, it was a good bit of play down the wing and a good cutback as well. Yeah, happy to get on the score sheet but happy to have got the three points. 

DK: A scintillating performance from you all tonight. 

DW: Yeah, smashed it. The lads were brilliant all over the park. It's been a long time coming to be fair, a result like that. We've had some hard fixtures but the lads have done well today. I saw today that it was two years since we beat them in the league or something like that, so it was good to smash five past them. I think it was five in the end. 

DK: So yeah, what was the most pleasing thing today? 

DW: Oh, the most pleasing thing I'd say, because it was tough conditions out there, chucking down all night. The pitch was heavy, the pitch was cutting up, but we still managed to play some nice football and we were relentless, didn't stop. 

DK: Kev said the only disappointing thing was it could have been 10. 

DW: Yeah, no, it could have been. It's always hard when you go in 3-0 at half-time. It's quite easy to say, go on, go out in the second half and score loads more, but to be fair, they didn't throw the towel in straight away in the early second half. They dug deep and made it tough for us, but we soaked up the pressure and our quality showed. 

DK: Back top of the league in style. 

DW: Top of the league now, are we? Nice. We've still got a couple of games in hand. 
Lovely, lovely. No, it's looking good. I try not to look at it and just go game by game and it's important that we've got a good squad. There's a great 16 of us, so it's looking good. 

DK: Is that something all you lads do, ignore the table and just play each game? 

DW: Yeah, I try to, I think, otherwise you can get caught up in it, especially when you've got games in hand, because you've actually got to go and win those games in hand. You can think, oh, sorry, I've got another game in hand, but yeah, you've got to go and win them. 

DK: Saturday we've got Long Eaton at home, another important game for us. 

DW: Yeah, I just hope the rain settles down, or the pitch is going to tear up again, isn't it? We'll try and do exactly the same. Three points, five goals.

Saturday 10 February 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Nico Valentine Post Match Interviews | Berkhamsted v Needham Market | 10.02.2024 |

Kevin Horlock and Man Of The Match, on-loan from Ipswich Town Nico Valentine reflect on yesterday's win.

Kevin Horlock v Berkhamsted 10.02.2024

DK: You must be absolutely delighted with that?! 

KH: Yeah, it wasn't a spectacle by any means. The game was quite bitty. There was no real free-flowing football on it, on obviously a difficult pitch with great torrential rain. But we know how to win a game. We looked up against it, obviously going a goal down, with a great strike, we get back in it and then a penalty late on, obviously, we made changes, which was really important to that. I think the lads that come on affected the game and it was a big reason why we went on to win it - but this group of players are special, theyy never know when they're beaten and we keep going. In the end, we get the win that we were desperate for. 

DK: Not many times we've had to come from behind to win a game, but it's a good test.

KH: Yes, it's something that we definitely got better at. I think I said in there, last year, I think we lose that game and possibly one more. We sort of went under last year when we go behind, but this year, I never really panicked. I don't think the lads panic either and we keep going. We've scored some good goals. Three headers today. I think it's the first time we've done that in a game where we've scored three headers. And they're all very good headers. An important time. So, yes, we made up. This wasn't easy today. Everyone would have looked here and gone, they're near the bottom. Obviously, us flying high, it was an easy three points. I knew it was going to be heavy. They were mad for it. Obviously, they're playing a team right at the top, which could kick-start their season. So, it was always going to be a difficult one and we're going to be up against it, but like I said, we've come up with the answers. So, credit to the lads. I couldn't be prouder.

DK: The three goals were clinical delivery and clinical finishing. 

KH: Yes, three great headers. I'm not sure how many headers Nico has scored in his career or he will score. He's obviously a flying wing. It was an unbelievable header. Ball in from Mills, he's hung and hit it back where it came from, looping into the far corner. Very similar to what Ingers' was. And obviously, Dan was a little bit different, where he directed it down into the bottom corner to win it. So, all three were really good goals.

DK: Dr Dan loves a goal away from home lately. 

KH: Yes, he's scored a few. And look, it's important for goals to be chipped in from around the pitch. We're scoring goals from midfield. Our wide players are adding goals. Obviously, our centre forwards are scoring goals, which they're there to do, but when the defenders are chipping in as well, it makes it quite a good combination and gives you a real chance of scoring goals and winning games. 

DK: Having given Nico the nod to start, it's nice to see him on the score sheet. 

KH: Yes, I thought he looked dangerous. In a difficult game where we weren't at our best, I thought he was the shining light, really. He looked dangerous, he looked like he was going to get in. He worked really, really hard and scored a really important goal and it was a good goal as well.

DK: We focused on the men that scored the goals, but the delivery to set them up was pinpoint. 

KH: Yes, we've got that now in Mills. Obviously, he loves to deliver the ball into the box, slightly different to other wingers we've got at the club, where they're a little bit more jinky and a little bit more taking people on. Mills, he does deliver into good areas. So, if you have runners and people filling in areas where the ball is coming into the box, you've got half a chance of scoring.

DK: What's the most pleasing thing today? 

KH: I think three points. That's all we're here for. Nothing more, nothing less. Everyone will forget and it's probably a good thing that we forget what the game was like because it wasn't great at all. You've got to give them a little bit of credit. They're languished at the bottom and they're fighting for their lives and they put up a good fight today. So, it was always going to be physical, but the game was a non-spectacle, it was a non-goer really. So, the most pleasing thing for me was the three points because that's all we've come for. We've got them and we can go back, drive back on the coach, very happy with ourselves.

DK: And with Ingram back from injury, back in the goals as well? 

KH: Yes, his was a good header. Obviously, he's trained a couple of times now, so he's obviously back in the squad now. Obviously, he'll maybe need a bit of fitness in terms of his game time, but he's gone on and affected it. It's a great header. He's done what he's been doing for a number of years, and been in the right place, jogging on the spot at the right time with a good looping header. 

DK: And you must be pleased that Nico and Manny have extended their loans? 

KH: Yes, they're good young players. Obviously, Manny is probably a little bit frustrated, he's not got minutes as yet, but he's a really good player, got loads of potential. So we're pleased to have him and I'm sure we will get minutes somewhere along the line. And obviously, to secure Nico to an end of the season, I think those that were here have seen how exciting he can be. He can run past people, he's lightning quick and he pops up with a goal. So he's definitely going to add to us. K

DK: We started with a style that we don't always do, so to have come away with the three points must be even more pleasing?

KH: Yes, we sort of mixed it up a little bit. When we started with three, we then went to a two late on to try and get back in the game. We then moved Milzy across and I think that's the importance of the squad. I think the lads that come on, I was able to change it about. The lads don't ask questions, they get on with it, and I think the formation changes at times and obviously the substitutions give us that little push that we needed and got us over the line and that's what the squad's about. If we're going to be successful this season, it's not always about the starting eleven. It's about the lads that can affect it when they come on, so as a squad, we're going to achieve things if we do end up achieving it, not from the team or the eleven at the start. A bit shaky in periods, but overall done the job. Yes, we're not going to blast teams away. Yes, we're sitting high on the table. Yes, we've played some unbelievable football this season, but I've been in football long enough. You're not going to just blow teams away, no matter where they are in the league. You're not always going to play wonderful football, which is pleasing on the eye. Sometimes you've got to win ugly. Today was one of them days and it pleases me today as much as a win where we played free-flowing football and scored loads of goals. Today was massive for us. 

DK: Are you disappointed with the way that their goals have come? 

KH: I think you're always disappointed with the way goals come, but like I said, the game's done. We've got three points, what we've come for, so I'm not that disappointed. I think it's important to keep your feet on the ground. Last week against Telford was massive for us. Inside, I knew it was that, but you've got to stay calm. I said at half-time to the lads today, in a game like today where they're mad for it, fighting for their lives, you sometimes get drawn into that hectic style of football. I said, look, calmness is going to win you the game today. I think we stayed calm, we didn't panic, and we got the goals that we needed. So, yes, calmness all the way forward to the end of the season. The games are getting ticked off. It's going to get more nervy. We're going to have games where we lose, but overall, if we keep our calmness, I think we'll be all right. 

DK: Next up, Suffolk derby, Leiston at home.

KH: Yes, it always gets built up. It's a massive game, obviously. We're both in two very different positions in the league, but it's a game that they obviously want to win. They're looking to grab enough points to maybe sneak into the playoffs. They'd love to derail our promotion push, but it ends up normally not a very good game. So, hopefully we'll defend well and be a threat that we normally are and score goals, and that means, again, we're after the three points and that's it.

DK: And you've got a selection headache for that? 

KH: Yes, but I don't mind it. It's a good thing to have. The lads understand enough now to know what we're trying to achieve. They understand they're all here for a reason and that's to play, obviously, but at times only 11 can play. So, sometimes you've got to be patient, but I'll have a headache. We'll see how we are. Obviously, there'll be a few knocks today and then we're picking 11, certainly, to start to win the game, and I know I've got a bench that can come on and affect it as well. 

DK: Yes, Byron and Manny, as you say, haven't had many minutes yet, but they will gradually. 

KH: Yes, there's loads of games to come. Obviously, we've got the Premier Cup game as well. So, there's plenty of games to go.

Nico Valentine v Berkhamsted 10.02.2024

DK: A nice start and a goal for you?

NV: Yes, I've been working hard to try and get in the team. Obviously, it's the first time that we've really had a squad here that I've been told about. I don't think we filled out the bench prior to me and Manny coming in, maybe, but it's just competition for places and we've all played a part today. And I think even the substitutes that have come off the bench, we've won the game within the last 15 minutes. And I'm always happy to grab a goal. Obviously, different to what I'm used to, but that's how I've had to adapt to this league, and yeah, I'm happy to get on the score sheet again. I'm not sure how I've headed that in to be fair. I've just seen Milzy whip it in and I've just tried to get a bit of contact on it. I'm not the greatest with the technical stuff heading, but, you know, I think at Ipswich, you don't get many of those crosses in the box. I think it's more pullbacks along the floor. But this is what I've got to do. This is what I've come here to adapt and add stuff to my game and score on goals like that. If I could make it every week, then that'd be good. I think it's hit me and I've opened my eyes and it's hit the back of the net. So I think that's what happens. But you know what you're going to get with Milzy putting in them balls. He's put in three or four today. I think Ingers has got on the end of one and then obviously Morph has scored from Tommy Smith. I think there's just a lot of quality on the crosses in wide areas. And I think that's where we wanted to exploit it today. Obviously, them playing three at the back meant that we were always going to have the overloads in the wide areas. And I think early on, we didn't really exploit that. But towards the end of the game, you could see them opening up and we were just splitting more chances, and I think there was only one team that was going to win the game coming into the game.

DK: It's important because there were times that you, kind of, could have thought this might not be our day. 

NV: Yeah, well, it's obviously coming to the bottom of the league or a team battling in and around here. It's never easy. People look at it and see bottom versus top and think, oh, they'll take the three points. But it's never like that. It's a tough place to come. They're fighting for their lives down here. They're trying to stay in the division, just like we're trying to fight at the top. This could have kick-started their season. If they've won against us here today, then it changes their season run completely. But I think we stayed calm throughout and we've got a process and we just want to stick to that kind of thing. And I think even when we went 1-0 down, it was just about getting together and doing what we do best. And I think we've proved that if we just stay calm and play our game, there's 90 minutes in the game. You can go right down to the very last minute to get a goal.

DK: You must be pleased to have marked your loan extension with a start and a goal. 

NV: Yes, obviously I've extended in the week. I thought it was a good opportunity and it's one of them you have to balance up minutes and experience. But I'm here to battle for my place, just like anyone else is. And it's not going to be easy anywhere you go in football, and obviously, grabbing a goal today, that's what I've got to do to stay on the team. And that's the reality of it, really. And hopefully I can just keep scoring more and more goals and help this team get the promotion that they deserve.

DK: What part of today stood out for you most? 

NV:bI think just the grit and desire throughout. We never gave up. We've gone down twice today and it is tough going down against a team that are down there. You're the favourites. You come here and it's a bit of a lose-lose game because you win and everyone's saying you should win the game. And if you lose, then everyone's going, oh, the bottom's beating the top. I just think there's so much experience in this team, but it's integrated so well with young players that are trying to get experience. Everyone just stays so calm. We know the quality we've got within the group and we've just got to stick to the process, as I've said before.

DK:bWe haven't had many times this year where we've had to come behind, so it's a good marker for us. 

NV: Exactly. It shows that we can win all sorts of games, and that's what you have to do as a promotion team. You're not going to get straightforward three, three-nil, four-nil games, especially down in these divisions. No game's an easy game. Tough pitch today, but we've shown that even if we do go down, the fans can have hope. And not just hope, but belief that we're going to get back in the game. And I think that's the hardest thing to get within a team when you go down is actual belief instead of just hoping something's going to happen.

DK: Leiston up next on Tuesday, and I dare say you'll know quite a few of their lads. 

NV: Yeah, I've been talking to a few of the boys, at Ipswich, who have been there for the season. So, yeah, it's bragging rights, really, isn't it? It's a Derby game, but we've just got to settle the game down, and it's just like any other game. Derbys are more for the fans, but it's obviously a great experience for all the players to play in a high-intensity game, but yeah, I really want to win that game and get the result for the fans, really.

DK: Does it make it any more, kind of personal pride, that there are other Ipswich current and former loanees there? 

NV: Yeah, there'll be chatting in the changing rooms, obviously, in the lead-up, tomorrow, I'll be getting messages. Monday, I'll be in the changing rooms talking to them. But come Tuesday, I'm focused on getting the result and what happens, happens. And it's not going to dictate either of our seasons. There's so many more games to go and teams are going to lose games, teams are going to win games. But I think as a one-off game, we do want to take the win. And hopefully I can go in with bragging rights on Wednesday morning.

Sunday 4 February 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Seth Chambers + Dan Morphew Post Match Reaction | Needham Market v AFC Telford United | 03.02.2024 | LEAGUE #24 |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on our win over Telford.

DK: Nice three points, you must be pleased? 

KH: Yeah, that was massive today. Obviously, everyone's aware Telford have obviously been on a really good run, not lost for 17 games, which was the last time we played them and beat them. So they're in amongst it. So it was a big game in terms of them needing to win to really kick on. But from our point of view, to bounce back after last week's disappointment shows the character the lads have got, togetherness and it wasn't a spectacle first half by any means. But for the second half, we stepped on to them and dominated the game and could have won by more.

DK: And the goals that we got were quite crucial.

KH: Yeah, they come at big moments. I think we had a little spell where we was on top and then obviously the first goal come, albeit a little tap in, but it was massive. And then we had a 15 minute spell where it looked like there was going to be more following soon after, they didn't. And then obviously Seth's popped up, who I thought was exceptional today, holding the ball up, buying fouls, running the channels. He just looks like a real goal threat and obviously starting to realise his potential. And it was a good finish on his left foot.

DK: Yeah, after his trials recently, it's good to see him coming back into the team and scoring.

KH: Yeah, he's raised awareness. People are aware of what he's doing. He's sort of starting to realise his potential. He's a hell of a good player. Still a young lad learning his trade as such. But obviously I understand with that comes clubs and professional clubs sniffing around. So it's fair play to him. He's a great lad. He's got his feet on the floor and he's willing to listen and learn. So as a club, we'll help him as much as we can. Help him develop and we'll see where it goes.

DK: After being under the cosh a bit first half, the win must feel even more sweeter?

KH: Yeah, look, I knew that was... We're not going to run away with this league. We're not going to blow teams like Telford out of the water because they're a massive club. So they're always going to come here and have a spell. Like I said, they've not lost for 17 games. So it's about how we cope with them in their moments, that time, and I thought, look, we did. But we didn't do it with any real aggression and cause them too many problems first half. Apart from Mills', it was probably half chance, but second half, I thought we stepped onto them. We had lots more of the ball and we showed how good we are. And no one can complain about the winners of today's game. I think anyone that was here to witness it was Needham them all day long. And like I said, it could have been four or five.

DK: After last week's loss where we could have, maybe should have got a point, it's nice to put that right.

KH: Yeah, look, everyone probably sees last week as a massive disappointment. And yes, look, we want to win games of football, but I wasn't too worried. St Ives were a good team. I think they proved today, they beat Redditch today. They've already beat Mickleover. They beat Leiston.

They obviously beat us. So they're a good team and it's a hard place to go. Like I said to the lads, it wasn't a bad performance last week. We maybe didn't have the rub of the green and they were a little bit fortunate with the winner. But we're going to lose games of football. It's about how you bounce back. And today was massive. So to bounce back like the way we did. I've already forgot about last week. So and to be fair, after tonight, I forget about today's game. We look forward to Berkampsted and start focusing on that. It's about chalking the games off and focusing on the game in hand that you've got to play. So, but the lads have enjoyed tonight because I think they deserved it.

DK: Yeah like St Ives, Berkhamsted have been beating teams all over the place in the table.

KH: Yeah, it's one of them. Anyone can beat anyone on a given day. So we'll have to go there next week and obviously be right on it. We can't take our foot off the gas, and I know what I'm getting from the lads. I trust them and we'll be mad for it next week. And hopefully we can put a performance in to match the work rate and work ethic, and if we do that, then we're a bloody good team and probably got a chance to win.

DK: You've got Byron back. Obviously, you say Reece is out for two weeks. Luke just coming back. Patch coming back.

KH: Yeah, we're looking in good shape.

Byron's going to be like a new signing for us. Obviously, not ad minutes yet. And obviously, we've still got the two Ipswich boys on loan, which I would like to extend, but it obviously comes down to, does it work for them - obviously it's got to work for all parties. Manny's not got many minutes, but we'll see what happens in the next few days. I think Nico's had a few games and come on and affected it and done really well. So, yeah, we've got a squad that can hopefully get us through to the end of the season. Patch is back in training, so could hopefully be involved at some point. And hopefully we can keep winning games and pushing and see where it takes us.

DK: What's the best part about today for you?

KH: I think always the clean sheet. The three points, obviously, but for me, it's that mentality of these lads that were disappointed last week at St Ives, but turn up today against Telford, who are a massive club in this league. They've got a massive budget and we've turned up and a little old Needham have done a job on them. So, the character of this group is something that I'm really proud of and something that they should all be proud of, because today they stuck together and got the job done and clean sheet to boot.

DK: You talked about Marco, some of the saves he made was outrageous. Yeah, look, Marco's been doing that for years and years. He's obviously not getting any younger, but he could play at this level for a number of years. He's a great lad, but the best goalkeeper at this level, bar none, and has been for years. So, we're lucky to have him. He's making saves maybe he shouldn't, but we come to expect that of him.

DK: Yeah, second half, could have had about five, six.

KH: Yeah, we could have. I think it was a little bit unfortunate on a couple and missed a couple, but I'll take that. Two-nil, clean sheet and a comfortable two-nil in the end of the second half. I don't think we was ever really struggling second half. So, it was quite a nice, comfortable evening or certainly early evening for the second half. So, I think it was a good game. Yeah, it was a big win for us today.

DK: Were you confident we were going to get this win?

KH: I'm always confident in this group. I think years gone by, I was unsure because I knew we were good. But then, our levels could be right up then. Then the week after, for whatever reason, we concede late goals and lose. This year's different. I'll go into each game and every game knowing that if we play well and anywhere near where we have been for games early on in the season, we'll win, because for me, I've got an unbelievable squad and a group of lads that care and work hard for each other. So, I'm confident they're going to win.

DK: And having Milzy back in the building is a big boost?

KH: Yeah, we've all known Milzy for ages. Milzy's a lad that left a lot of never-burned bridges with players, and Milzyy was one of them. He just wasn't getting minutes last time around. So, he's gone away. He's obviously gone to Leiston and Sudbury, Chelmsford. And the opportunity for him to come back arrived, so we're pleased to have him. He gives us something different. I've had him since he was a kid, so he's a really good player at this level. So he'll add to the squad.

DK: Best squad we've ever had?

KH: On paper, it seems, because the table don't lie. But also for me, I think it's the strongest squad I've ever had. I think we've got competition in places. They're a really good group. We've got young players coming through. We've got the old guard that's been there, done it. So, at the minute, the chemistry is perfect for those kids that play FIFA. The chemistry is green, mate. It's green.

Seth Chambers reflects on yesterday's win.

DK: A nice goal for you, you must be pleased.

SC: Yeah, yeah, it was a good game in the end. An important game to win. I'm glad I've managed to get the goal with the management putting me back in the side, but I'm buzzing with the three points really. It's a big game to win now.

DK: You took the goal brilliantly.

SC: Yeah, Hammo's just, he's seen me, he's looked up, I've seen he's wanted a big space, I've seen he's wanted a run. So I thought I'll go for it and he's put it right in there for me and I've managed to catch it fairly nice early doors. I think a bit lucky the keeper wasn't settled, because it wasn't one of the greatest connections but it did the job.

DK: Yeah, first half I thought you kind of weathered a bit of a storm from their defenders.

SC: Yeah, it was a, I like the battles because they helped me get into the game and I kind of embraced that side of it. It's a side of the game that I like to try and work on.

I'm obviously, I'm a tall lad but the frame's not necessarily the biggest. So I'm trying to work on things like that and holding the ball up, etc. Yeah, their number five and the other lad, they were big but that's what you want at the end of the day. You want to be able to test yourself whether it's running in behind or a battle or whatever it is. If you want to stay in the team and keep scoring then you've got to embrace those battles and I've managed to do all right today with it. He's put me down a fair few times in fairness but the main thing is you've got to bounce back and I've managed to get a goal in the end. So that's, you can almost say I've got the last laugh kind of thing.

DK: Very true and obviously you've had trials at Ipswich, Aldershot and Barnsley, how have you been finding them?

SC: Yeah, it's been good because they've all been a similar thing where it's during the week I've done a bit of training and then a game with them. So it's been good to keep busy during the week, leading up to games, etc. Or if we've had a game called off it's meant I've done a bit more than maybe some other lads, I like to keep active and yeah it's been nice experiences. Obviously you appreciate if clubs start looking at you, it means you're doing something right. Obviously I've got a lot more to do still but it's nice to know that if you do score a goal or two that you might notice them, Needham are flying at the minute. The lads are playing really well and I think if a few clubs are looking at me etc that a lot of other lads should be getting looked at as well because that team performs week in week out and you've got a lot of lads that could definitely play at a high level. So yeah, it's a good thing really.

DK: Do you think scoring today has kind of helped, not just your chances with those clubs, but kind of kept you on an upward trajectory?

SC: Yeah, at the end of the day I've not played since the Sudbury game really. Manager's obviously thought that I didn't have my best game and to try something else was just fair enough and I've just been trying to get back in ever since really. They've given me a go today and I'm just glad I've managed to score and had a hand in the first goal. So hopefully that means that I can be involved more next week and game coming forward. That's the main thing really. If I can keep in the team with goals and assists and good performances that's all I'm focused on and the rest will do whatever really.

DK: And being man of the match won't hurt either?

SC: No, it's nice feeling. That's my second or third one this season I think. Both of the goals were on the plate really. I know you've got a lot to do still but the service is second to none at times and you can't really do much more with it other than put it in the net or whatever it is. I appreciate they keep giving it to me really.

DK: Must be kind of like a surreal season for you because I'm pretty sure you're our top scorer in all comps and you've obviously had quite a lot of clubs looking at you across the season and you probably don't know how it could get better.

SC: Well like I said obviously I haven't played the last few games. It can be frustrating at times. I do have a lot of chances where I could have maybe scored another one today across at the back post and there's always more to do. On another day I might come away with two or three but like I said I just want to keep in the team here, focus on that, keep winning and we'll see where we can go with it. The sky's the limit for the club really if we keep performing the way we're performing and working hard on the training ground.

DK: And from a club point of view obviously you're coming through our academy and then getting on getting these trials like not just this year you've had trials last year as well. It not only shows that like obviously you're obviously a brilliant player but it also shows that there's that gateway for players that don't make it at the time but come through the club which does the club good as well.

SC: Yeah well at the end of the day I mean the experiences I've had over the years you always get noticed. I've had various trials where I wasn't good enough at the end of the day and they say no for whatever reason it is but you know I'm glad I didn't spend time in the academy as growing up because I've managed to get so many more experiences and I think I've managed to just keep getting better the older I got. I'm grateful for the coaching staff here at the club etc and hopefully that can continue but that's the main thing really.

Goalscorer Dan Morphew reflects on yesterday's win.

DK: Another big result, performance and clean sheet, you must be really pleased?

DM: Yeah great result today, Telford started well in the game today and we had to dig in for the first 15-20 minutes which we did well and after that we grew into the game, before taking control in the second half. Another clean sheet is good for the team as well, everyone from front to back contributed to that today.

DK: Another goal for you today, which must be nice to picking up a couple of goals recently?

DM: Goals win games so it is nice to have contributed a couple in the last few weeks. I think I said at Halesowen that I feel I have been getting close before scoring that day and I’ve just continued on that vain and hopefully they keep coming.

DK: With Telford having gone on a long unbeaten run since we beat them, it must feel even more pleasing to have gone and done it again?

DM: Telford have been on a fantastic run and credit to them for that and making it a tough game today, you’re right it does make it feel like an important win.

DK: What's the mood been like in the squad lately, flying in the league despite a couple of losses last month?

DM: The mood and atmosphere amongst the lads has been brilliant. We were all really disappointed to have lost against St. Ives the way we did last week and everyone recognised we needed bounce back straight away. We also have a really strong squad at the minute with lots of competition for places which is something everyone is enjoying.

DK: Back on the road on Saturday, another tough game against a side beating teams higher up.

DM: Every game is tough in this league. Every week is a battle where you have to be willing to out work your opponent. Next week will be no different nor any of the other game for the remainder of the season.

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Dan Morphew Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v St Albans City | 14.09.2024 |

Manager Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on yesterday's game. "We weren't at the races today, but I've got to say they were v...