Saturday 14 October 2023


Captain Keiran Morphew reflects on yesterday's draw.

DK: Still in the hat, you must be pleased?

KM: Yeah, it's pretty good to be fair, obviously we'd like to win but it's important we didn't lose and see if we get one decent on Sunday.

DK: As captain and defender you must be pleased with the defensive performance?

KM: Yeah, we done well. Obviously we didn't have a lot of the ball. Normally we're used to having a little bit more of it, well a lot more of it, but I thought we had decent shape. They obviously were knocking on the door at the end, couple of goal line clearances, but it's what it's about - FA Cup football - when you're the underdogs, put your bodies on the line and see if you can dig something out.

DK: Is that the kind of game that you expected?

KM: Yeah, I think everyone knew, we like to pass the ball, we probably could've done better at times but when you're against good teams that make the pitch big and you're doing a lot of running, it is hard to then, as soon as you win the ball back, it's hard to then relax and keep it. We done alright I think.

DK: Going forwards, when we had possession, do you think we looked a threat?

KM: Yeah, at times, we had a couple of moves. We had some half chances, I think Dyl probably could score really, but obviously we didn't have too much going forward. They're a good side, they're full time, they're professional, but they're going to have to make an annoying trip down to us on Tuesday. It is a long way, as we know from today, but obviously they're full time, so it is a bit different, but still it's a game they weren't expecting. It's a game they're going to have to play, it's another game in the legs, so we'll just go from there, and hopefully get a big crowd at the ground and make some money for the club. 

DK: How does today rank for you, in terms of big games/results?

KM: I don't know, draws are pretty unemotional to be honest with you. Nil-nil draws, obviously I'm pleased we get to play them again, we're in the hat Sunday, but realistically it's a nil-nil draw.

DK: What will you be looking for from the draw?

KM: Either one of the big clubs away or winnable tie at home. Anyone at home, or a big club away really is what you want.

DK: What's the most pleasing thing for you from today?

KM: Everyone worked their socks off, good day out for the club, good turnout from the fans - who were screaming and singing all game, it was brilliant.

DK: Will you be expecting a similar game on Tuesday?

KM: Oh yeah, they're going to have lots of the ball again, we're just going to have to defend and work hard again, and keep it 0-0, and see if we can dig something out.

DK: Today we were supported by 101 loud Needham fans, that must've been good?

KM: Yeah, they did brilliant. I heard a lot of them throughout the game more than the York fans to be honest, but I think the York fans are probably a bit down on the season this year, because they're not doing so well. We've been there as well, it is hard, when fans are on your back, it is hard to play and you can see that today.

That's natural when the team is playing attacking football, and they are knocking on the door, the fans are going to get up, and last few minutes of the game we've had (kept) two off the line. Jake Dye shouldn't block that one on the line, I think the ball's just whacked him in the head really but that's unbelievable defending.

DK: How did you find the game yourself?

KM: Obviously the beginning I was a bit nervous, but that's natural for me, once you have a few passes, few touches, the game does settle down, so you play yourself into the game really, and then second half I didn't have loads to do, there was a lot of running up and running down - a lot of shouting, a lot of talking, so that was about it really.

DK: We showed that we step up to the occasion in big games.

KM: Yeah, we have got a good group who turn up for big games.

Manager Kevin Horlock also reflects on yesterday's goalless draw in the Emirates FA Cup.

DK: Still in the hat, you must be pleased?

KH: Yeah, I couldn't have asked for more from the lads. I think the ultimate, which like you say, was to be in the hat, which we are, and I thought the lads were brilliant. We had long periods without the ball obviously, which you expect, but I thought our shape defensively and our willingness to put our bodies on the line was clear for everyone to see, and we actually had a few chances. I think first half going in, we had about 3 shots, they had 1, so the game plan worked and the lads gave everything and they deserve the replay, and hoprfully we can rest up and recouporate and raring to go Tuesday, and who knows get in that first round!

DK: It was a good all-round performance?!

KH: Yeah, it's not shocked me, they've done it bar the first game of the season, they've been magnificent all season. They give everything, they work hard for each other, they demand off each other, they want to improve, and they're good footballers. We're good team on our day, and yes we could've done maybe with a bit more of the ball today in possession, but I can't grumble. We worked so hard out off possession, when we landed on it we got tired towards the end but I'm made up for the lads, they deserve it. I said to them in there (changing rooms), this isn't the job done, the job done is trying to get into the first round still, which again we'll still be massive underdogs, but it's at home. We haven't got to do the travelling, we've set ourselves up for that, so can we go and finish the job off?!

DK: It gives us a bit more of a chance, having home advantage?

KH: They're a good outfit, they're obviously going to come and play and be strong, but we've come to their place, kept another clean sheet, still not conceded in the FA Cup, which is unbelievable in itself and can we add that goal that gets us in the first round? Obviously we're going to know who we will face tomorrow, so we'll be looking forward to that, and then all raring to go on Tuesday.

DK: At times, I believe you expected from what Keiran said, we had to dig in defensively, but when we got forward like you said we looked a threat?

KH: Yeah, we've got threats, we've got players who carry the ball, we've got players that are willing to run forward. Look, it was a good performance, that was what I was hoping for, them (the lads) to show what a good outfit we are, which I think we have, hopefully we've shown it. 

DK: Having put our bodies on the line, I think Jake, however he kept it out, getting it onto the post herocially, Dylan firing over, it was another proud day.

KH: Yeah, look these lads, I've said it in multiple interviews, they're the best group I've had, the togetherness, the willingness to work hard, put their bodies on the line, that summarised it for me at the end. Yeah, we've had chances, yeah on another day Dyl might score that, but the tackle he made late on and I'd love to see a still picture of that last 30 seconds of it and then you've got 3 bodies diving across the goal to put their bodies and faces in the way, and I don't know where it hit Jake, but what a picture that've been. That sums up what this group are about, I might have that picture framed and put above my desk.

DK: Were you going through the motions during the game?

KH: I was pretty relaxed, because I know what this group are going to give me, they're going to give everything, and look even if we lose I know they're going to give me everything, so I was pretty calm. Obviously the last couple of minutes were nervy times, but inside I was nervous, but on the exterior I'll always try and stay calm, because I think that's a good reflection for the lads to see. In their moments, they stay calm, they were in the right place at the right time so hopefully that transcends into them, and I want them to play without fear and know that they're capable of coming to places like this, because like I said to them at the very start, before they come out, which one of you don't think you could play at this level, and rightly none of them put their hands up so I think they all could. 

DK: Seth came off the bench and was instantly involved.

KH: The first few seconds he landed on the ball and it sort of took a slight deflection and took the power out off it, but that would've been some moment for him, but it's not just the starting eleven, it's the lads that come on. I thought that Ollie came on and affected it, some lads haven't got on today but we're in it all together and if we're going to be successful, we'll need every single one of the players and all the staff, which we're thankful to have as well. We're a good group.

DK: What's the most pleasing thing for you today?

KH: They please me every week, it's just their endeavour, their willingness to listen and learn, and willingness to work hard for each other, and I said these moments are great, they're about creating memories as a group that you can take to your grave and we've got a couple from over the last couple of years, this is another one. There could be another special one come Tuesday and beyond that hopefully.

DK: Keiran's expecting a similar game on Tuesday, are you?

KH: Yeah, I'm hoping it may be slightly different, in terms of the fact that - I don't know why but it tends to happen - because we're at home we might have possession hopefully, obviously they've got to travel down, which adds to their problems a little bit, but we've got a good pitch as well, so it's not like they're coming to a non-league ground with a rubbish pitch where it's going to be muddy and tough. Our pitch is very good, so they'll probably come down and play a similar style. I'm hoping it gives us a lift, hopefully there's a fairly big crowd there cheering us on, that gives us that extra bit that gets us over the line.

DK: Yeah and with them being a full time team we dealt with that quite well?

KH: Yeah, we did, but like I said, I think, a lot of my players can play at that level, nearly all of them. Obviously the younger ones still need to develop, but you take any player out of the team that you've seen today in a Needham shirt you could put it in their team, and they would be more than comfortable. So we've dealt with their threats really well, but it's only half-time. We've got another 90 minutes.

DK: What are you looking for in the draw?

KH: I don't think you can look, I think like always, you're looking for a plum tie, but it means nothing getting a big club in the first round if you don't get there, so it'd be nice to get a big club obviously, financially the rewards from that for the football club are massive. And more importantly it's that character of, 'come on, let's get there,' because it means nothing if you get a big club then lose Tuesday.

DK: Clean sheets galore lately.

KH: We've not conceded in the FA Cup, which is a feat in itself, so it'd be nice if that continues.

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