Sunday 15 September 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Dan Morphew Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v St Albans City | 14.09.2024 |

Manager Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on yesterday's game.

"We weren't at the races today, but I've got to say they were very good. First half, they were better than us in all departments. They worked harder than us, they looked a threat, they defended solidly, and we were off it, so it was a recipe for disaster and we got exactly what we deserved, which was nothing. In the end, we did well to get zero because we didn't really create a chance. I can't remember too many good moments in the final third. Obviously, the three goals from their point of view, they say it was obviously good goals, but from our point of view, they're so avoidable and that's disappointing. We wanted to progress in the competition. Obviously, we've had a couple of good seasons in it where you end up playing big teams and there's obviously prize money on offer that all non-league clubs like and need. So, yes, I suppose it means we can concentrate on the league, but we'd have liked to have an FA Cup run for those reasons I've just spoke about."

"It wasn't good to watch. I can second that. We obviously tried to make changes. We changed shape to try and affect it and nothing worked today. So, we'll address it on Tuesday. Obviously, we train Tuesday, Thursday, we'll have a look back at it and areas we can improve on and get better so that it doesn't happen again."

On players returning from injuries: "Ingers is obviously just coming back. It was probably a risk I took. He's not too bad, but he can feel his hamstring slightly. Dylan's got quite a big black eye, but he'll be fine. So, other than that, yeah, we're all good."

On Josh Tomlinson's absence: "Yeah, we're just waiting. Obviously, his parents, Club Northampton, are in charge of that. So, yeah, concussion, so (if) it'll be a return to play. So, I don't know. It could be 10 days. I'm not 100% sure on it."

Oxford City away next: "Obviously, our record away from home this season's been a lot better than a home record, obviously. So, yeah, we go there off the back of a couple of good away performances and results. So, we're looking to bounce back and hopefully put this behind us. Obviously, a tough day for us all. We were just off it today. It's alright talking about us and how much we were off it, I think you've got to give them credit. They're a team that's not started too well in their division. But I've watched videos and they've been playing well, but not scoring goals. And today, they have and I think they showed what a good team they are. They moved the ball really well. Their movement was good and they looked a threat, so we do need to improve. We should have made it a bit more personal and got closer and tighter and possibly worked a bit harder. But off the back of it, I think I'd give them a little bit of credit as well, sometimes you've got to hold your hands up in football and say they were better.

Defender and MOTM Dan Morphew reflects on yesterday's game.

"It was a tough, tough, tough game. Not the result we obviously hoped for, but you live and you learn, I think it's sort of the best approach. We can use it to get better and that's all we can do today, I think. Take away what we need to learn from it and improve, come back next week.

"We've been fortunate the last couple of years. We've had good cup runs. It's been a while since we've been knocked out in the first round, but they are normally good additions on to the season, but it means we can concentrate on the league, take the silver linings where they are, if they are any, so focus on the league and put our energy into getting results in the league now. I think for us this year, every game is going to be a big game, every game is an opportunity to show what we can do, prove ourselves and prove ourselves worthy at this level, which I think we are. And I think we look forward to every week, look forward to every game. Like I say, another opportunity to prove what sort of team we can be on our day."

"I think we've played better than the points on the board reflect, I think, definitely throughout the first lot of eight games, I think that's true. And I think, yeah, there's more to come from us still as well. I think we can get much better as well.

"So, yeah, plenty to look forward to and sort of, yeah, work on as we move forward for the coming weeks."

On having more squad depth this season: "Yeah, I think that's one of the differences between this year and last year. You know, we've got players on the bench who can sort of compete for starting positions. You know, we'll have, I'm sure, will be competition for places after today. Next week, you know, there'll be people on the bench who are itching to start and be thinking they should start after today. So, yeah, I look forward to that competition and, you know, it keeps everyone, keeps everyone sharp as it sharpens us a little bit. So competition in the squad is a good thing. And it sort of keeps everyone on their toes and keeps everyone pushing forward and working hard as the season goes on."

On the most disappointing part of today: "I think there's not this one thing in particular, but, you know, as a team, it's 11 v 11. And I think, you know, you've got to win your individual battles all over the pitch. And I think we didn't do that enough today. You know, every game you go out, it's 11 v 11. It's 11 men v 11 men. And you just have to outwork your opposite number, and I think when you don't do that, you tend to lose games. And I think that's what happened today."

Monday 9 September 2024

Nico Valentine | New Signing Interview | 07.09.2024 |

Nico Valentine talks about returning to the club on-loan from Ipswich Town.

DK: Welcome back to the club. You must be buzzing to be back. 

NV: Yeah, I'm buzzing to be back. Obviously, it's not coming the best scenario where I've been started off injured, but that's how it's happened. I enjoyed it a lot last season, and I think over the summer I had some time to think what I wanted to do with my next step, and I think this is the best step forward, so I'm looking forward to getting back and helping the team on the pitch. 

DK: Yeah, you enjoyed your first spell here, and from what I gathered, you were eager to come back.

NV: Yeah, it was really good. I think the loan was even better than I had ever imagined, so it was a no-brainer to come back. I had conversations with Tom over the summer because I realised that I wanted to come back, and it was an environment where I was getting better and learning a lot every week, and I think that's all I can do as a young player and just look for minutes, so yeah. 

DK: Even though it ended in injury, you had a very good pre-season. 

NV: Yeah, so that came off as a bit of a limb, but it was a good experience to fly off to Germany, obviously, and play a European team that's at the top of the game. They're playing top teams week in, week out, and it just showed the level that we've got to get to, but I think we rose to it well, and obviously my time got cut short, but I enjoyed the 20 minutes that I did get to play. 

DK: Yeah, you've been here every home game, I think, so far, watching. You must be delighted with how the lads have started.

NV: Yeah, I think they've been really good. Obviously, results maybe haven't gone our way recently, but I think the last couple of games have shown that we've got the ability to win games, and even the games that we lose, it's by one goal, two goals, and obviously that's easy to turn around. I think even the performance today, they performed well, so yeah.

DK: Yeah, could you put it down to one factor that drew you back here? 

NV: I think it's mainly the dressing room, to be fair. I felt it was an environment where a player like me, who likes to dribble and beat people, needs to feel freedom, and I think ever since I came into the building here, all of them have just wanted me to be direct and do what I do best, and all of them understand that maybe the way I play, I am going to lose the ball, but they understand that if they want me to try and create moments, then they allow me to do that, and I felt the freedom, and obviously the dressing room atmosphere last season was unbelievable. Maybe it was a little bit easier because obviously we're top of the league and winning games, but I think even coming back since the start of this season, when the results haven't been going our way, obviously the dressing room atmosphere is still unbelievable, and that's something I want to be involved in.
I know Harley well. I'm good friends with Harley. I think as I got to about 16, 17, I started to play with Harley a little bit more, and we trained with each other over the summer, so yeah, really good mates with Harley, and can't wait to be out there with him.

DK: When are you back, I've heard it's in the next couple of weeks?

NV: So I start my run in rehab out on the pitch next week, and then I'm hoping to be back beginning of October, end of September. Obviously, I need to get my shoulder right to make sure that it doesn't happen again, but as soon as I feel okay to play and feel confident, then I'll be back out there trying to give my best. 
Hopefully a few more headers would be good, but yeah, I can't wait to be back out there.

Saturday 7 September 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Post Match Interview | Needham Market v Farsley Celtic | 07.09.2024 |

Click the embedded video below to watch Josh Tomlinson's thoughts on yesterday's defeat.

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on yesterday's defeat.

DK: Bit of a bitter pill to swallow? 

KH: Yeah, I think today is really disappointing. I thought we controlled long parts of the game, created some chances but you've got to take them at this level. Unfortunately, we've missed chances at Hereford on Tuesday. We've done the same again today. It's cost us massively in a game where I was going to be disappointed to only get a point. To be sat here now with no points, yeah, it's a bit of a pill to swallow.

DK: Is it a bit of a curse being called manager of the week by the league?

KH: No, I don't think that's the case. I thought we did okay in the game. We just lacked a little bit of invention in the final third. We wasn't ruthless enough. On another week, we scored a couple of goals today but they didn't go in. We weren't confident enough. We didn't take the chances that come our way. When that happens, you always risk it coming back to haunt you, which it did at the end. It came from our throw-in, it's our fault we took it too early. We're not set and it's dropped a lad in midfield who's able to run 10 yards and it's a good finish to be fair to him. No doubt, they'll be leaving here over the moon and thinking they took three points but that's football. 

DK: We're still waiting for our first point at home but it's not time to start panicking.

KH: No, I think if we win today, we would have three points off the play-off. There's a hell of a long way to go. I do feel that it's three points dropped, I'm not going to lie. The performance was there with that killer instinct in front of goal when chances come. There is positives to take out of it. We've dominated large parts of a Step 2 game again but we've not took chances to get the points, which is the main ingredient that you're after. We'll keep working hard and keep trying to put that right. 

DK: We've had players returning from injury today and as far as I'm aware, we've not lost anyone to injury. 

KH: No, I think Keiran come off, his groin is a bit sore but I'm sure he'll be all right by next week hopefully. It's good to have everybody back training and obviously, we've got the FA Cup next week which offers different challenges but we're looking to progress in that as well. Hopefully, by then, two training sessions we'll be firing on cylinders.

DK: Given that it's against the side that are the equivalent Step 2 league at home, we win that, that'll give us confidence because we haven't got anything at home just yet.

KH: Yes, obviously, the last two away performances have been really good and overall at the games we've played, performances have been fairly good. Today, again, I thought the performance was okay without that final third stuff, which bit us on the backside a little bit today. We're just looking to try and get that first win at home. Hopefully, that will come in the FA Cup next week and hopefully then lead to more results and more points being won at home.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Ollie Fenn | Reserves Weekly Reaction | Gorleston Reserves (H) | 31.08.2024 |

Reserve Team captain Ollie Fenn reflects on the first month of the season.

DK: What did you make of today's result and performance?

OF: We were disappointed with the result today and performance wise it was probably our poorest that I’ve been involved in but that can happen and it’s still early on in the season and we’re a new group. 

DK: Regardless of today, you must be pleased though with the last few results and performances?

OF: It has been pleasing overall, particularly the performances and the attitude and application the lads have shown. Results wise, we’ve probably dropped 4 points at home which is frustrating but it’s all about learning from those experiences. 

DK: Would you say it's been a positive first month of the season?

OF: We would have liked more points for sure but it’s been a positive start and one we plan to build on. 

DK: For you as captain, what's pleased you most so far this season?

OF: I think the lads have adapted well to senior football as a whole but the most pleasing thing for me in the hunger they have shown against more experienced players and teams. 

DK: Back at home Tuesday against Whitton, in a very local game, what are you expecting from the game?

OF: Another tough game, we know there won’t be any easy ones this season but if we perform well and execute what is asked of us then we’re confident we can compete with anyone in the league. All focus is on ourselves.,

Saturday 31 August 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock, Tevan Allen Post Match Interviews | Warrington Town V Needham Market | 31.08.2024

Click below to hear match-winner Jake Dye's thoughts on todays game.

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on today's away win. 

DK: Brilliant win on the road, you must be pleased with that? 

KH: Yeah, it was a great performance from the lads, I couldn't ask any more of them. I thought they worked their socks off, they stuck to the game plan and obviously the goals were really pleasing. Could have had more, obviously they've conceded last 15 and probably a little bit of nerves out there but we've seen it out, seen it through and it's a monkey off our back as such. We've got our first win now, moved up a couple of places now, something to build on. 

DK: Yeah, both goals were clinically taken as well! 

KH: Yeah, they were great goals, something we spoke about, pressing high, getting numbers in the box and obviously when you do that, you're going to create chances. So, credit to the lads, they've carried out the game plan to a 'T.' It was a big ask, obviously we went to a diamond and changed formation today and it asked a lot of the lads, we're asking for lads to be covering the pitch and making runs forward for as long as they can, which then we have to make changes but I thought everybody contributed today so it was really pleasing. 

DK: We also scored at crucial times, at the start and the end of the first half and then otherwise defensively looked sound? 

KH: Yeah, I know the results don't probably tell the full picture. We've been okay, we've not won games but we've been in every game and could have got a lot more points than we have, barring Alfreton where we deserved nothing, I think in the other games we deserved more than we got. So, today I think we got what we deserved, I think we deserved the three points. So, I'm hoping that I give the lads a lift and now believe that they belong at this level and hopefully we can create a few more upsets as such and collect more points than we have and going forward we'll be looking to climb the table and improve our position. We're missing big players for us, the lads that started the majority of games for us last season. So, missing players isn't ideal but I've got a squad that I believe can compete at this level and they all in their own right can play at this level. So, ideally you want all your players available but when they're not other lads have to step in and make a difference and obviously Marco, we lost Marco today in the warm-up and Danny Cullum's travelled with us. Then he got thrust in straight into the start and line-up and I thought he did really, really well. So, credit to him for one, travelling to do the warm-up with Marco but then two, to give the performance that he did. Dylan's ankle was still sore so he didn't train Thursday so he was not available.
Luke's hamstring is still sore so I imagine he's going to be probably another 10 days at least and Hammo's has settled down slightly but again didn't train Thursday. So, I think we'll have to assess it. They won't be involved on Tuesday but we'll assess it Thursday when we train.

DK: Yeah, moving on, we're at Hereford next. 

KH: Yeah, like I said to the lads in there, they don't get no easier. There's no easy games at this level. I think all the games have been fairly tight but you have to work to your maximum. You have to show quality in front of goal and defend for your lives to get anything from any game at this level. No-one rolls over you. So, we'll dust ourselves down. There's going to be some tired legs now and this evening but we'll prepare properly and give it a good go on Tuesday.

Goalscorer and MOTM Tevan Allen reflects on today's win. 

DK: Nice to get a win on the board. 

TA: Yeah, I think it's been coming. We said all together that it's not been the greatest. I think from the last game, we were a bit hurt from the last game. It was Alfreton at home, that loss, I think we didn't give a great account of ourselves. And like I said, in the Scunthorpe game, I think every other game we've tried to give a good account of ourselves. And I think Monday we didn't do that. So we had to have a bounce back. The win's been coming. Like I said, sometimes we haven't really got the rub of the green. I think today it wasn't about rub of the green. I think we just worked our absolute butts off for each other. And I think that came into fruition.
The fact that we got the win, went 2-0 up, away from home. I think it reminded us a bit of last season. I think the way we worked real hard first half, got to where we needed to be.
We were under the cosh a little bit second half. But luckily we got through the game on a hot day. Good opponents.
They're not necessarily going to be down there. So I think we've done really well today. 

DK: And to get a goal and assist is even better for you personally?

TA: Yeah, I think also it's been coming from myself.
I'm an honest man. I think I've been really below par. I think trying to get to grips with the league and the position I play in at the moment. It's been tough because some of the games, people don't really get it down and play. Opposition wise, it does go back to front quite quickly. And being in the 10, sometimes the ball can just kind of go over your head, but I think today with the shape, change of the shape, getting closer to the two strikers that we had allowed me to then be in a pocket to receive the ball and do what we had to do. So I'm glad to get first goal in this level, assist. It's what I dreamed of, really. So, yeah, glad to finally do it. And yeah, good win. 

DK: You struck that goal sweetly as well.

TA: Yeah, I was just saying to Jacob, I can't really ever remember goals. I know how it came about. It was a hard working endeavour. The ball was bouncing around in the box and I just saw an opportunity to hit it. So I thought, why not? And luckily, I think it went through someone's legs. I have no idea. I'd have to watch it back if they have got a video of it. But yeah, just when it went in, it was just relief, really, to go one away from home. It's a great feeling, travelling all this way to finally get a goal felt good. No, no alarm bells aren't ringing, not just yet. Yeah, it's good. Like it's another step up for me. Never played in this level. And yeah, it's another season to prove that. Although where I've played previously, like I can score goals if I'm allowed to have that freedom and play in that position. I think, yes, it's time to show people that I can do that. And I've done it last year. Six in the league, four in the cup. It's not a massive amount of numbers, but you can always improve. So to get one as early as this in the season, it's really pleasing, and hopefully I can get many more. 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Post Match Interview | Needham Market v Alfreton Town | 26.08.2024 |

Click the photo below to watch our interview with new signing, and debutant, Josh Tomlinson.

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on Saturday's home defeat to Alfreton.

DK: Not the greatest of games, really? 

KH: No, I don't think it was a spectacle by any means. It was a difficult game for us to come into. Obviously, they're quite direct and, give them credit, they're good at what they do, and I just thought we struggled in that. I thought we dealt with the long balls quite well defensively, but you can only do that for so long. I think on the turnover, we needed to be a little bit braver and play, but we then started giving it back and playing into their hands a little bit and going longer. Obviously, eventually, if you're going to play like that, eventually something's going to drop to them, which it did. And then we obviously then had a mountain to climb. I think we've been good defensively for a while now, not just this season, but you can only defend for so long. I thought we were under the cosh. Obviously, they play in good areas. They're obviously quite a big group that look for percentages. They've got the long throws and we're defending for long parts of that game. And if you don't have no respite when you have the ball and you've got to be brave to stay on it and work hard and make runs forward, if you're not going to do that and you're not going to get out and eventually, obviously, the breakthrough comes for them. Just, again, another long ball, a flick on. I thought we won quite a lot of the aerial battle, to be fair, but what they do really well is keep it alive. They get bodies around it. They don't make it easy for you to clear and it stays in your defensive third, which then becomes a problem.

DK: A plus side for us is Josh made his debut. 

KH: Yeah, look, he's come in. I knew what they were about. I knew they were going to be direct.
So he's obviously a big, big lad. He's aerially really good and he's strong as well. So he gives us, he bolsters us up a little bit and I thought to a point it worked. But unfortunately, the tweak didn't really work in an offensive manner where we just didn't look a threat today. The ball didn't stick. We didn't really get behind them and it resulted in us getting exactly what we deserved, which was nothing.

DK: Anything pleasing for you today?

KH: I think Josh's debut was pleasing, obviously, coming into a team that you don't know many people. I thought Keiran was outstanding again, which we know what Keiran is, but just a little bit disappointed with everything else, really. We didn't land on enough second balls. Today wasn't about playing pretty football. It wasn't about patterns of play. It was about rolling your sleeves up and competing with a really big side that played percentage football and unfortunately, we came up a little bit short today.

DK: Moving on, we're away to Warrington who are within a couple of results, touching distance of us. 

KH: Yeah, look, it's still early days. Alarm bells aren't ringing. We're still getting acclimatised to this level. I think the biggest difference I've noticed is physically teams are a lot bigger, a lot stronger, a lot quicker, more direct. So we've got to get used to that sooner rather than later, but then we've got to have the strength and courage to then impose ourselves. And look, we are going to have to go a little bit more direct at times, but we're going to have to do it a bit better where we play into better areas. We have to understand it a bit more with second balls, but when we get opportunities to play football, I want us to play football as well. So yeah, Warrington's obviously another long away journey, which they all are in this division. That's not an excuse. We know where we are. We know what we've got to do and we need to be ready for it.

DK: Obviously, Luke and Kyle are out for a little bit, but is Jayden injured? 

KH: No, Jayden wasn't. Obviously, one had to be left out today. So we'll see where we are. I'm not sure if Hammo or Ingers are going to be ready in time for Saturday. We'll have to see. Obviously, we'll train Thursday and see where we are.

Sunday 25 August 2024

James Coton | NM Reserves Weekly Reaction | Whittlesey Athletic (H) 24.08.2024 |

Reserves Team Goalscorer James Coton reflects on yesterday's (Saturday 24th August) draw at home to Whittlesey Athletic.

DK: What did you make of today's draw, both the team's and your personal performance?

JC: Todays draw was more than deserved as I think that me and the boys worked really hard and were unlucky not to win the game as we created lots of chances and defended well. I was also pleased with my individual performance and to get the goal to help the team get a well deserved point. 

DK: You must be pleased to have got on the score-sheet today?

JC: I am pleased to get on the score sheet today as it helped the team secure a point and has given me confidence for the following games ahead.

DK: Can you talk us through your goal?

JC: The ball fell to me just inside the box I beat a defender and put it into the bottom right corner.

DK: How do you feel the season has started for you lads so far, building some good momentum?

JC: The start of the season has not been easy for us as we are all very young and are adapting to men’s football. I think we have learned a lot over the first few games and it is nice to gain a bit of momentum having won last week and getting a well earned draw this week. 

DK: Another home game for you guys on Saturday, how do you see that?

JC: Playing at home is always nice as it gives us an advantage as we are used to the surroundings. I think Saturday will be another hard game as no game is easy but I am looking forward to it.

Saturday 24 August 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Post Match Interview| Radcliffe V Needham Market 24.08.2024

Click below to watch goalscorer Ben Hunter's video interview.
Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on today's draw. 

DK: First point on the board for the season, you must be pleased? 

KH: Yeah, I think it was obviously important to try and get points on the board as soon as you can, and going the first three games without any was not ideal, obviously. But, yeah, I take points on the road. It could have been more today. I think if we'd have played with the intensity like we did on Tuesday, I think we'd win the game. But I'm a realist. Tuesday's game was really tough against Scunthorpe. We've had a six-hour journey here today. So, the lads worked hard and, yeah, got the first point, which is massive for us and it becomes a good result if we can back it up on Monday. 

DK: And Ben got his first goal for the club with a well-finished off, well-worked move! 

KH: Yeah, to be fair, our deliveries into the box wasn't great today, if I'm totally honest, but Milzy has put one back stick there. Hunts has made a run and got a tap in at back post. So, yeah, pleased for Hunts to get off the mark. But just pleased for the lads really to get something from today's game, because I think it would have been a tragedy if we'd have been sat here again like we have been in previous weeks, where we're saying we were unlucky not to get something. So, we've got a point on the board. It's a starting point and now we can start building.

DK: Could it have been three? 

KH: I think so. It's difficult for me to be critical of the lads because they've worked so hard again today. We've had a tough game Tuesday. We've had the long journey here, which we know we're going to have to do week in, week out. So, they give everything. But I think if we'd have shown a little bit more quality in the final third, because we did have opportunities, we got balls in good areas and I think we had a 3v2, a 3v1 at one point and we just didn't really capitalise on that opportunity. I think last year when we're winning games and we're full of confidence, I think we scored more than one goal today. So, it could have been three, definitely could have been three. But it's a point and we're not leaving empty-handed. So, we'll take that. 

DK: Another positive is that we responded quite quickly to going behind. 

KH: Yeah, I thought we were better second half.
Obviously, first half, we didn't get up the pitch as much as we'd have liked. Obviously, there's a slight slope here. But second half, I thought we played front foot. We dominated the ball at times. Played in there half a lot more. We got in good areas and just lacked that little bit of quality that we normally show.

DK: You brought in Josh last night. He was on the bench today, albeit didn't feature. 

KH: Yeah, obviously, he's a really good young player. He's a good size, a really good footballer. Comes with really good pedigree. So, we need bodies at this level. He obviously adds height and strength in defensive areas for us, which we certainly need. 

DK: And we had a few players out today with no Hammo, no Luke and Jayden. 

KH: Yeah, I think that's going to probably be the case this year where we're playing at a higher level. The games are a lot more intense and lads are going to pick up injuries. Certainly, when you're playing midweek and Saturday. So, yeah, you would ideally want all your squad fit, but that's not really going to happen. So, we've got bodies. We've got players that can come in.
We've got options in different areas. So, we're okay. 

DK: What's pleased you most today? 

KH: I think that we've just come away from home on the back of arguably three difficult results.
Albeit, we've played really well in the last two, I believe. We could have got something from both and I just didn't want the lads to start doubting themselves. We've had a trip here and it's difficult when you've not won a game to find that performance and where you're going to get that first point or first three points from, so I'm really pleased how they dug in. We've defended really well again today apart from the goal, which obviously there's always bones to pick when you can see goals. But as a group, we worked really hard and eventually got something for it.

DK: Yeah, like we say, it was a well-earned point and hopefully build on it as Monday against Alfreton. 

KH: Yeah, again, it's going to be a tough game. Alfreton are a big physical team. I think we've realised and realised early that the physical side of the game is a lot stronger at this level than the one below. So, we've acclimatised that reasonably well. It's just then going from the physical side of it on the turnover to then having the composure and the guile to cut teams open and create chances.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Post Match Interview | Needham Market v Scunthorpe United | 20.08.2024 |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on last night's narrow defeat to Scunthorpe.

DK: A bit of a harsh defeat tonight? 

KH: Yeah, I thought the lads performed excellently tonight against, and let's be realistic, a Scunthorpe team that, in my opinion, will probably win the division. I know we've not seen a lot of it, but it's not going to be much better than that. And I think we matched them. Obviously, I think it took, or you could tell later on in the game that they were obviously a little bit fitter and stronger being full-time. But, yeah, the lads were magnificent to a man. I thought we defended stoutly and created a few chances, which on another day we'd probably score.
And then we may be having a different conversation. But I just don't want it to be, and already it's sort of feeling that way, where it's a little bit of an unlucky old Needham. It's not about that.
It's about us improving and getting better and finding our feet at this level. And I think we've done that game on game. I think we've improved and it's been a tough start for us. There's no doubt about it. We've played some of the top teams in the division. So we've seen what this division offers and what we're against. It's going to be difficult every week to get points, but we're moving in the right direction. And if performances stay as high as they have been tonight and last game against Southport, then we'll be all right.

DK: Yeah, like you said, we've competed with a full-time side that two years ago in the Football League, we've had chances. This could have easily nicked a point. 

KH: Yeah, I know it's soon after the game.
I can't remember them having too many clear-cut chances. I don't think Marco's been called upon lots tonight. And obviously to be defeated by a penalty, was it? Was it not? I don't know.
Some lads are saying there was a little bit of contact. Were they playing for it? Yes, probably. Do we get it the other way round? I don't know. It's frustrating. It's frustrating. And I feel for the lads after working so hard to be done by a penalty. But it is what it is. There's no point moping about it. We're not going to be down about it. Our performance levels have increased and we're getting better. We're getting used to this division. And we've got another tough away game at Radcliffe on Saturday.

DK: Yeah, with Milzy hitting the crossbar, forced their keeper into some good saves, could have easily been a different night. 

KH: Yeah, could have, but wasn't. So we'll have to take it on the chin, like I said to the lads.
We dust ourselves down. We still believe in what we're doing. We stick together. We'll train Thursday. We'll be ready for Saturday. I think it's one of them where we are slowly getting acclimatised to this division. It's definitely a massive step up from the league below. We've played the top teams within that as well already. So hopefully it becomes a little bit easier when we get to speed. And obviously we're not playing teams like Scunthorpe. So we keep working hard. We keep trying to do the right things.
Like I said, I thought we defended brilliant. Kieran, Dan, Jake and Tommy back four with Marco behind. I thought did unbelievable. They're a good team. Let's not kid anybody. They cause problems.
That's quite direct. But I thought we coped with it really well. So it's a little bit of a feather in our cap, albeit no points on the board. But it certainly gives us some positivity to take into games going forward. 

DK: You made two changes tonight. Seth had his first start in this league, and him and Jacob came in and did really well. 

KH: Yes. I don't generally make changes for the sake of it. I just thought it was quite a high output game, last game out. So I just thought of freshening it up a little bit. Obviously both were unfortunate not to start the game before. So I will put fresh legs in. And I thought Seth worked really hard in a difficult game for him. I must admit. He got three massive centre-halves, about seven foot. So he's always going to be up against it. But he worked his socks off, put himself about. And then obviously enabled me to make the changes in the game where I thought that could affect him. Milzy come on and nearly scored with his first or second touch. It was good save from the keeper. He's hit the crossbar. Jamie's come on and had a really good chance on another day, he scores that. So we need everyone as a squad. It's not all about just the starting XI. It's about players that are in the squad and come on and affect games and give us something different when we need it.

DK: It's incredible having a squad that's that big that players can't even get on the bench. 

KH: Yes. That's the level of football we're at now. The game's thick and fast. We're obviously playing more games as well and at a higher tempo.
So you need bigger squads at this level. Dylan's been unwell. And obviously I can't have everyone in the squad, unfortunately.

DK: And moving on to Saturday, we've got a trip to Radcliffe.

KH: Yes. And I know it's early days. But six points, I think, are down near the bottom with us. It's still really early days. But you want to get your first points on the board as soon as you can. Games start ticking by. So it's a massive game for us. Obviously another massive journey, but we knew what we were coming into. It's not an excuse. We know what league we're in. We're all looking forward to it. And we'll be going all out to get the first three elusive points. 

Sunday 18 August 2024

Roan Tucker | Weekly Reserves Reaction | 17.08.2024 |

Goalkeeper, and Man Of The Match, Roan Tucker talks about Saturday's away win for James Mant's side, reflects on the start of the season so far, and previews next Saturday's home game.

DK: A big win for you guys on the road, you must be pleased with that result and performance?

RT: Yeah absolutely buzzing the boys really dug deep towards the end and put in a real shift today.

DK: I'm told you had an incredible game, how did you find it from a personal perspective?

RT: Yeah really pleased with my personal performance really happy with my penalty save there’s no better feeling and felt I showcased my ability well.

DK: A well earned first win for you guys in the league, to do so with limited numbers must make it even better?

RT: Yeah like I said the boys put in a real shift and a couple players played through knocks and some playing out of position it really helped the boys get over the line.

DK: It must be even more pleasing to win on the road?

RT: Yeah I mean it’s a great feeling to go away from home and take three points hopefully we will be able to keep up the away form throughout the season.

DK: How has the start of the season been for both you personally and the team?

RT: It’s had its challenges but from my perspective I’ve really enjoyed it and the boys are playing good football and creating good chances so I am very hopeful for the season ahead.

DK: Back at home on Saturday for you, what kind of game are you expecting?

RT: Hopefully we can carry this momentum into the next game every game in this league is tough but I am confident.

Saturday 17 August 2024

REACTION | Kyle Hammond Post Match Interview | Needham Market v Southport| 17.08.2024

Click the link to watch Kevin Horlock's interview, after today's game.

Goalscorer Kyle Hammond reflects on today's game. 

DK: First of all, what did you make of today?

KH: I thought we were well within the game. I thought we played really well for everyone to a man. We matched them really and just a couple of little mistakes which we haven't been doing.

Like last year we didn't really have many of them and it's just, we've just had, you know, Marco doesn't do that ever and it's just unfortunate, you know, and probably if that doesn't happen then we probably could go on or we have to take the draw. 

DK: Talk us through your goal, well struck. 

KH: Yeah, me and Tev were having a little bit of a who's going to take it and I just said can't please Tev and then he weren't going to and then in the end he just goes, oh go on then. I just tried to aim for the back post, just someone get across it and then, I don't know, just went in really. Oh no, I went for goal but I was aiming for the back post just and if anyone gets across it and heads it in doesn't matter but if not it misses everyone and it should go in and I think to be fair I don't think the keeper really, yeah it wasn't right in the top corner. I think he flapped out a little bit so yeah.

DK: But it must feel nice to be our first ever National League North goal scorer? 

KH: Oh yeah, it's nice I suppose, yeah it is nice but I know it sounds a bit silly but it doesn't really mean anything to me to be fair. I suppose it's a good thing that I was supposed to be in history that I'm the first goal scorer but to be honest with you, it doesn't really bother me.

DK: Yeah, it's been two kind of tough results to take after being well in the game and then coming out on the wrong end.

KH: Yeah, I don't think last week we were really ourselves to be honest. Going away from home, just little things like that, I just don't think we were really ourselves and gave a good account of ourselves last week. I think today we really have and I think if we play like that we'll be fine.

DK: And moving on to Tuesday, another big game against Scunthorpe?

KH: Well yeah, they're all big games aren't they now? Not just now because we've lost our first two but every game's a big game. I think if you play football and you don't think every game's a big game then a bit silly really. So we'll go into that, we'll dust ourselves down, recover well and give it another go on Tuesday.

DK: We're still, like we say, we're showing that we can compete with these big sides? 

KH: Yeah of course and I don't think we have any doubt about that within our group. Players, management, everyone else, I don't think we have any doubts about that. Obviously it'll be nice to get some points on the board in our first two games but we'll give it a good go on Tuesday.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Ollie Fenn | Needham Market Reserves Weekly Reaction | NM Res V Swaffham Town | 03.08.2024 |

Reserve Team captain Ollie Fenn talks about being back at the club and gives his thoughts on the opening week of the season. 

DK: First of all, how does it feel to be back at the club?

OF:  It’s great to be back at the club, I had some great years here before and it’s nice to see some familiar faces around the place. 

DK: How do you think the season has started for you lads, a mixed bag of results, but some good performances?

OF: The start has been mixed results wise but really positive in terms of the performances. The detail the lads are trying to implement in games from Manty is a real plus point. 

DK: It must've felt nice to lift some silverware on Tuesday, in an entertaining game for charity?

OF: It’s always nice to win and it’s a good habit to develop. Never a bad time to win silverware and I was glad we could come through a tough game to win it for the club. 

DK: There's a slight feel of disappointment that you lads didn't quite get the win you arguably deserved today, is that how you see it? 

OF: We did deserve to win today having created so many good chances but we could have also lost it at the end. A point is better than none. 

DK: A fourth straight home game for you guys on Saturday, which must feel nice, are you expecting a tough game against Stanway?

OF: Yes, it’s nice to start with some games at home and hopefully we can build on today. I know Stanway have a good reputation so it will be another tough test. 

DK: How impressed have you been with the lads so far, given they're still new to senior football?

OF: I’ve been really impressed with the lads but also not too surprised. Having spoken to Manty I knew he wanted to build a competitive squad for the league. We have a lot to learn as a team but it will happen.

Saturday 3 August 2024

REACTION | Jamie McGrath, Tom Rothery Post Match Interviews | AFC Sudbury V Needham Market | 03.08.2024

Assistant Manager Tom Rothery reflects on Saturday's final friendly.

DK: Nice to have pre-season out the way.

TR: Yeah, I'm glad it's over, yeah. I don't really enjoy pre-seasons. I find them very tough because, it just doesn't overly mean anything, does it? Results don't mean too much. You don't get any points. So, yeah, I'm glad it's over. But I don't think it's been too bad a pre-season. Same as last pre-season, I said that to the lads after the game as well. I think the last two pre-seasons, the lads have brought into it. I think the commitment's been good and, generally speaking, I think we've got out of both pre-seasons what we needed to, so, yeah.

DK: Topsy-turvy game today. First half better than the second, really.

TR: Yeah, and again, I think a lot of that comes from pre-season, to be honest with you. Sudbury didn't make too many changes. I thought they were good, both halves. They didn't make too many changes, though. We made quite a number of changes earlier, so they probably made a few changes later in the game. We made a number of changes earlier in the game, which then creates a little bit of faultiness. It's very difficult for players to go on. We didn't get too many positives out of the second half. Marco obviously made a couple of brilliant saves, but there weren't too many other positives out of the second half. But, yeah, Sudbury is never an easy place to come, so I suppose the pleasing thing is that we haven't lost pre-season or not. That's an important attribute to have. When you're not at your best, make sure you don't lose again.

DK: Two good goals from our point of view as well. 

TR: They were the biggest positives, without stating the obvious. Not because they're goals, but because of the way the goals come about. It's just through working hard and pressing in the right areas. I was really pleased with both those goals, really. I suppose the frustration off the back of both those goals is that we had opportunities to get a third. I think Jamie was denied, if I remember rightly. I think someone else was probably denied. I can't remember. And we didn't really kick on and build up from that two-nil, although I really thought their penalty was really soft to make it 2-1. Tommy's adamant he's got the ball first, then the player. That was how I saw it from where I was, so I thought the penalty was soft. That's probably the frustration from 2-0. We didn't really build on it. The second half became a bit patchy, whether that's because of the changes. There weren't as many positives in the second half, or many at all, really, if I'm honest. 

DK: Finally, on the eve of the first league game now? 

TR: Yeah, looking forward to it. Like I said, I just prefer football season. It just means something, doesn't it? If you win a game, lose a game, draw a game, there's things to get off the back of that, whether it be points, whether it be learning lessons. I find pre-season really difficult because I'm just so competitive. I just find it difficult. I think the competitive edge in me just finds pre-season a real tough thing to do. I'm always glad when pre-season's over. Like I said, I think it's been reasonably positive, similar to last pre-season, but it means nothing on August 10th. Everything starts. You all start with zero points, and that's where we'll find out where we're at, and hopefully we'll be in a good place. 

DK: It'll be a tough game, considering they were seventh in the league last year. 

TR: Yeah, we've got a tough start. Let's take positions from last year. They were seventh, you've got Southport that look like they've improved. Well, they have improved, there's no doubt about that. And then you've got Scunthorpe, obviously, who's second. That's the third game. You've got Radcliffe come up. Everyone's tipping them to be the favourite or one of the favourites in the league. And then I think we start with Alfreton at home after that on the bank on a Monday, and they were fourth last year. So it's a very tough start. Like I've said on previous interviews, we need to expect every game to be tough. And then like I've said to the players today, our mentality is massive now. It's really important that we are prepared to feel and act like we're step two players and show that on the pitch consistently and deal with the ups and downs and be brave.

Goalscorer Jamie McGrath reflects on today's game. 

DK: Half-decent game to finish pre-season? 

JMcG: Yeah, you know, it was obviously competitive, (they're) league below what we're going to be in. Got some good players, so we knew it was going to be a tough run out. You know, it was a tough game when we came here in January last year, so we knew it was going to be tricky. But yeah, you know, lots of positives to take, I think. 

DK: And a brilliant goal for you as well? 

JMcG: Yeah, no, nice to get on the score sheet as always. Hopefully sort of take that into next week and into the season. But yeah, could have had maybe one or two more. So yeah, but you know, still happy. 

DK: Probably one of our better friendlies, really, in terms of competitiveness? 

JMcG: Yeah, I think so. Obviously, we've played a few teams in lower leagues, which has been good in terms of building patterns of play, relationships within the team and building fitness. But yeah, it was obviously more of a test today and slightly disappointed, obviously, to have the two-goal lead and then end up drawing. But as I say, positives to take and the result doesn't really matter.

DK: Yeah, and we move on to Curzon. The first Step 2 game? 

JMcG: Yeah, no, looking forward to it. Nice short journey to start with. But, you know, we know that's part and parcel of what we've got in this league. So we're all looking forward to it. Looking forward to the challenge and I'm sure we'll put in a good account of ourselves next week. As I say, looking forward to it.

Thursday 1 August 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Post Match Interview | Mildenhall Town V Needham Market | 31.07.2024

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on the win at Mildenhall.

DK: A nice win tonight, you must be pleased with that? 

KH: Yeah, again, it's another pre-season game out the way. It's all about getting fitness. Difficult pitch to play on. I've played here myself with the slope, so it was a different challenge for us tonight against a team that has obviously come up to Step 4 and have added players and are quite competitive. So, it was a good test for us. Obviously, it's probably my last opportunity to rotate it around a bit and get lads minutes. Obviously, the pre-season games are running out. We're left with Sudbury, which will be a tough test and obviously, that's the last game we've got before our first league opener at Step 2. So, yeah, I chopped and changed it a little bit. (It) can make it a little bit disjointed, but I thought it was okay.
We scored a couple of decent goals, not conceded. The only downside is obviously the trialist getting injured late on. I'm hoping it's not too bad. He's just rolled his ankle. So, that's the downside of it, I suppose. But overall, it was a solid performance. I think we dominated the play. 

DK: The subs came on at half-time and within two minutes, one of them set up the goal.

KH: Yeah, it was a bit of a headache tonight. I must admit, obviously, we had 20 in the squad. A couple played last night. It's about getting lads as many minutes as they can across the board. So, it was a little bit of a brain teaser to get everyone minutes tonight. But we got there, and like you say, they had impact. The lads that come on, obviously, contributed to the first goal. Then, obviously, we brought on more lads after 60, where we were dominant, really, in possession. Going down the slope was a lot easier here. So, yeah, it was a good workout for us and sets us up nicely for our last game at Sudbury. 

DK: Like you say, we bided our time quite well and took our chances. 

KH: Yeah, two good goals, the cross from Milzy.
I think it was a slight deflection, but Seth was in the place you have to be between the white sticks. It was a nice little tap-in for him. Then, Hamo, we've seen it a couple of times now. He scored an absolute thunder blaster. I don't think no keeper in the world saves that. He's caught it really well. He's hit the underside of the bar in the top corner. Yeah, it's a pleasing night, like I say, apart from the injury. 

DK: Harley still injured? 

KH: Yes, unfortunately, Harley's done the warm-up, and still not 100 per cent right, so there's no point risking it. Tonight, he's done the last two warm-ups, but still feeling a little bit of pain down the back of his ankle. So, I just don't want to risk it at this stage. There's no point. So, it's not ideal, we know, but I'd rather that. Be more cautious than him to play tonight and then rule him out for over a month. So, I'm hoping by the time the season starts, he'll be ready to go.

DK: Everyone else is fit, aren't they? 

KH: Yes, everyone else is good. It's always difficult pre-season. Obviously, you're trying to shake your squad up. We've made a couple of really good additions, in my opinion. It's about getting minutes, but it's really frustrating when you've got to rotate it and it's difficult. You go to different places and different challenges. I'm just looking forward to the season starting. Also, we've got a real tough task at Sudbury, which will be a good set-up for us to go to Curzon the week after. 

DK: And their assistant manager was here tonight. 

KH: Yes, a strange one to come and watch a game on a Wednesday night when we've got 20 in the squad. I'm not sure he'd have learnt much about tonight, but we'll see. This season's going to be a tough one for us, but it's one that we're all excited about and looking forward to. These lads have learnt their right to play at Step 2 and we'll be all right. I think we might surprise a few. 

Wednesday 31 July 2024

REACTION | Danny Cullum, Brad Smith Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v Trimley Red Devils | 30.07.2024 | Suffolk Champions Charity Cup |


Goalkeeper and match-winner Danny Cullum reflects on last night's Champions Charity Cup win. 

DK: Congratulations on the win tonight, what did you make of the game?

DC: It was very good game. Very enjoyable. Both teams done very well. And was good to come out winners. 

DK: You're no stranger to silverware, but it must feel nice to win something not long after joining?

DC: Yeah it’s always nice to win silverware at any club. But yeah makes it more special that it was here at Needham, a club that’s isn’t strangers to not winning anything. 

DK: Did you think we deserved to win that tonight?

DC: ⁠Yeah, I think we did, all the young players done very well to maintain their standards in the later stages of the game, and then to go on and win it is something everyone deserved.

DK: A terrific save and penalty from you to ultimately win it, what was going through your mind at those moments?

DC: ⁠After we missed our 5th pen I felt more weight come onto my shoulders. And being a senior player in the team, I felt I needed to step up for the team and produce some magic I say. But after saving and then scoring, my focus ultimately returned to the next spot kick. 

DK: Have you done before in shootouts, taking a penalty? 

DC: No I haven’t to be fair. When I train during the week I always have joke penalty shootouts with the other goalies at town and funny enough today at training we had a penalty shootout which we won. In my mind putting my name down to take a pen doubles my chances of being a hero. 
DK: How have you found the full month's games, been a busy schedule for you?

DC: Yeah it has been busy but that’s reason for it, but preseason has gone well so far. Plenty of different challenges which prepares us for an exciting season ahead, a season I look forward to being part of. 

DK: Still got 2 friendlies to go but you must be excited for the competitive games to begin?

DC: I’m buzzing for the 10th. 2 friendlies to go and we kick start the clubs first campaign at step 2 which should be very fun and exciting.


Defender Brad Smith gives his thoughts on last night's win. 

DK: Congratulations on the win, you must be pleased to have won that nailbiting game?

BS: Yeah it’s a good feeling to be involved in a game like that, end to end and a thriller for the fans to watch 

DK: A superb penalty from you, can you talk us through what you were thinking at the time?

BS: For me I’ve always preferred to strike the ball across goal from a penalty and find the left hand side so I had no doubts that’s where I wanted to go.

DK: A second County Cup win for you at Needham, and one for the first team must make it even more special?

BS: Winning a first team trophy will always be a special feeling as I’ve been at the club since u12s and another county cup to add to the collection is a nice personal note.

DK: Not often you win trophies with your family sponsoring the kit?

BS: Yeah nice to have something personal involved and I’m sure dad will be pleased with that one.

DK: After a tough result Saturday, it must feel even nicer to win tonight?

BS: Yeah it’s a good relief feeling for me and I’m sure the rest of the squad as the step 6 league is something that will always be a real challenge for us as such a young side but games like this help us reach the point we need to be at as a team.

Saturday 27 July 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock Post Match Interview | Ipswich Wanderers 2-6 Needham Market | 26.07.2024 |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on last night's game. 

DK: Good win tonight, you must be happy with that?

KH: Yeah, it was a good performance to be fair. I thought we moved the ball really well obviously. They've scored a great goal early on, a good strike obviously, and then from that moment we sort of dominate possession. Moved the ball with real purpose, good movement and scored six really good goals. I suppose the only negative on the night is we could have scored more, then maybe we should have and conceded in a second where we just get a little bit sloppy late on. Overall, I'm really pleased.
I was able to rotate a little bit. We have got some missing again tonight, but we've got more minutes in people's legs and we're starting to look sharp. Pre-season is going quite well.

DK: As we're getting on with pre-season, more and more goals are coming in each game. 

KH: Yeah, I think, look, let's not kid ourselves, we're playing obviously Ipswich Wanderers who are a couple of leagues below us, so we are expected to win, but it's not actually the result that pleased me tonight. I thought it was just the way we dominated possession. Our movement was really good. We created chances, got in good areas and looked sharp. We looked sharp, so pre-season is obviously closing down and coming to an end soon, so it looks like we're hitting fitness and hitting form at the right time. 

DK: As we've talked about a few times, the squad is shaping up very nicely and even more so tonight.

KH: Yeah, with the lads we got missing tonight and the lads we had on show, I thought we looked quite bright and we're in quite a good place as a squad. 

DK: Not many times do we score three in both halves?

KH: No, but I think tonight it probably showed the levels that both teams play at. I thought we moved the ball really well and they tried to play, but we looked sharp and we shut them down and won the ball back high up the pitch. When we're in that sort of form, we're a match for anybody, let alone a team a couple of leagues below us. 

DK: You talk about headaches with players still to come back. That's going to make it an absolute mad decision who starts on the 10th.

KH: Yeah, at the end of the day it's a good headache to have. It's not one that we've always had at Needham since I've been here. We've normally had a real strong 12, 13 and then made up with young lads. This squad is as strong as I've had. I said last season it's probably the best squad I had last season and we've added to that. So yeah, it's going to be a headache for me, but the lads know the script.
Obviously, earn your place. If you do well when you get your shirt, you stay in. If you don't, you have to be prepared to wait and stay fit, ready for your chance.

DK: Next up, another team in Wanderers' division in Mildenhall away. 

KH: Yeah, we're on the road again, but again, I think I wanted to try and get teams from all different levels to play against who play different ways. The pitch will be played slightly differently.
I thought tonight's pitch was really nice. It's a good pitch over at Mildenhall, but a slight slope. So again, it's a different test for us, but it's one that we'll be looking forward to. Hopefully, we'll have a few bodies back as well so we can rotate again and give other people minutes and then we look forward to the final few games in pre-season. 

DK: Full squad almost fit then?

KH: I'm hoping so. I'm hoping it will be. Not quite sure yet. Harley's just a little bit away. We've got Patch not here tonight, but should be back. We've also got Dylan struggling with a knee. Milzy should be all right. So yeah, I should have a headache next Wednesday.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock, Luke Ingram Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v Brightlingsea Regent | 23.07.2024 |

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on last night's win.

DK: Another good performance?

KH: Yeah, it was okay. Obviously, there's always things to work on. It's pre-season. I don't think you see a real reflection of any team in pre-season. I thought first half we looked a threat but we looked a little bit vulnerable. It's pre-season. I've asked lads to chase things down, and maybe that means we're obviously susceptible to counter-attacks because we're clearing out the midfield. But we worked really hard second half. We looked a little bit more structured but then didn't really look like we had a real threat going forward. So, there's loads to work on but it is very difficult, like I've said in previous interviews, where pre-season you're looking to get lads minutes. Teams or personnel is changing all the time. Obviously, we've got some missing as well but it's about just getting through pre-season, getting minutes and not getting injuries. So, on that front, it's not too bad. I don't think we've got any injuries from tonight's game. Obviously, Harley did the warm-up and then wasn't right to get minutes tonight. We're missing Milzy, Dylan and several others. So, it is another game out the way. We roll onto Friday against Ipswich Wanderers, another pre-season game where we look to get minutes and look to get a little bit more structure in the build-up to the season.

DK: Another good thing from tonight, were the three goals well taken? 

KH: Yes, the goals were really good tonight. Ingers looked really sharp throughout and deserved his goals. They were really good finishes.
With a few players still missing, like you spoke about, we got most of the group back, which is nice. Yes, it's just about managing it and getting lads minutes, enough minutes. Everyone's at different stages. Obviously, there's lads that are coming back from injury that you're trying to look after and give them less minutes. There's lads that need more because they've missed games. It's a bit of a juggling act in pre-season, but it's about coming through it with good team role. Again, winning games is important. I know Brightlingsea are a couple of leagues below us, but it's still a game that you want to win. They come here and see they're playing a team two leagues above and they want to impress.
I think we see that tonight. They look quite bright, I think. It's about getting momentum, getting fitness and being ready for Curzon Ashton in the first game of the season.

DK: The squad's shaping up quite nicely now, with Cam signing on the dotted line? 

KH: Yes, he's a young player that's got a good CV. He's been at good football clubs and not played a lot of men's football, but he's got real good attributes. He's someone that we've added to the squad. Like I said, I don't think it's no secret we're looking to add a couple of lads on loan as well. The squad will be quite rounded in terms of we'll have competition for places, but we'll have quality competition as well. I think that's going to be important in what's going to be a long, tough season for us in terms of the travelling and the teams that we're playing now.
We're going to need everybody. As manager, I'm quite pleased with what we've got. 

DK: With Curzon on the 10th of August, do you think the preparation's going well so far? 

KH: Yes, I think so. Obviously, I would have done with a few less injuries. Obviously, we've had quite a few missing. Dylan's missing, Harley Curtis, Addy Mills is not here tonight. So, there's a few that have got niggles and stuff. But other than that, I'm quite happy with the squad we've got and with the potential two loans that we could bring in as well. We're in a good place.

Goalscorer Luke Ingram reflects on last night's win. 

DK: Good game tonight, what do you make of it? 

LI: Yeah, it's a good workout, good to get another 90 minutes in the legs, good to get some goals. We probably didn't play as well as we'd like, but stuff to work on. Yeah, just keep sort of getting used to each other again and kick on for the first game of the season.

DK: Three goals in two games, two tonight, you're on fire. 

LI: Yeah, I should have had four really, because I missed an easy header. But yes, I'm glad the goals have come now, don't want to be leaving it too late to get things rolling. So yeah, I'm looking forward to start the season. 

DK: Three good goals as well? 

LI: Yeah, I feel a bit bad now because I've probably wasted my best goals in pre-season. So hopefully we've still got more in the tank, but yeah, it's nice to score some good goals.

DK: Especially that third one, what was going through your mind as Seth laid it off to you? 

LI: I sort of told Ben to leave it, because he could've had a shot, and he let it go and I thought, I better not miss this, otherwise he's going to dig me out. But yeah, it's just come off my foot sweet, bottom corner and game wrapped up and we can move on. 

DK: What have you made of pre-season so far? 

LI: Yeah, I'm not the sort of person who enjoys pre-season.
I think it's like very false, like a lot of passing, a lot of stuff you normally wouldn't do in an actual league game. But it's important to get the minutes in the legs and just getting good habits. But yeah, I think we've got to be optimistic.
I think there's nothing to be afraid of and pretty look forward to. 

DK: Have you had a look at the league fixtures so far? 

LI: Yeah, I've had a look. I had a look in disgust, but no, they're good. We've got some good ones. We've got a, it's quite a hard start to the season, but it's quite an exciting one. So we know what the league is, we know what we're up against. So plenty to look forward to and yeah, excited to get it going. 

DK: Bit of a baptism of fire, isn't it? It sets the levels high if you face the best first.

LI: Yeah, to be fair, you can't even hand-pick an easy game in that league. So you're going to have to face them all at some point. So we might as well just go in the deep end and sink or swim and I'm sure we will float.

Monday 22 July 2024

Cameron Jessup | NMFC New Signing Interview | 22.07.2024 |

New signing Cameron Jessup talks about re-joining the club, and gives an insight into his career so far. 

DK: Welcome back to Needham, can you tell us about how you signing for us came about?

CJ: Needham were a club I spent a year of my development at when I was younger and I loved it so I thought it would be a good idea to go back as I know it would be a place I’d enjoy playing. 

DK: Why did you want to sign for us?

CJ: It’s an ambitious club looking to reach new heights in a new division and the challenge is what’s exciting about playing here.

DK: Having been with our Academy previously, how does it feel to be back and now with the first team? 

CJ: It’s a good feeling, the lads have made me feel welcome and I’ve enjoyed it a lot so far. So just can’t wait for the season to start really.

DK: How would you describe yourself as a player, and what can the fans expect from you? 

CJ: I’d say I’m a ball playing centre half I like to get on the ball as much as I can and I’m composed when I am. I can also play in midfield so versatile in that aspect. 

DK: What are your aims both personally and for the club in general, this season?

CJ: The aims and targets for this season is definitely trying to stay in this league the lads have worked so hard to get here so we’ll work even harder to make sure we do stay in it. And the aims for me personally is to just play as many minutes as possible and help the team win as many games as we can.

DK: How have you found pre-season so far?

CJ: Pre season has gone well so far, we’ve had some tough games and I feel like we’re improving fitness wise game by game. The season is obviously what everyone is looking forward to so yeah it’s exciting.

DK: Can you give us an insight into your career so far?

CJ: I started playing Sunday league at Holland fc when I 7 and got picked up by Ipswich town when I was 11 and signed straight from there. I was there 3 years until I was 14 when I got released and then went to Needham for the season. Then got picked up by Crystal Palace and signed my scholarship there, was there 3 years and didn’t get offered a professional contract. After that I went on trial at Sunderland and they offered me a 2 year professional contract. 

DK: What was it like playing for Palace and Sunderland?

CJ: It was an amazing feeling playing for those top clubs, it feels surreal at times seeing all the players you see on tv training with you and around the building but it makes you feel like all the hard work you put in paid off.

DK: What are the standout games of your career so far and why? 

CJ: One of my favourite games is when I scored against Leeds in the cup in the stadium of light. As a defensive player I don’t score often but when you do it’s a nice feeling. 

DK: What's the best ground you've played at and why?

CJ: Probably Southampton's stadium, St Mary’s because the pitch was a carpet.

DK: Who's the best player you've played with and why? 

CJ: The best player I’ve played is probably Jermaine Defoe because of his experience in football.

Sunday 21 July 2024

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Dan Morphew Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v Maldon + Tiptree | 20.07.2024 | PSF #3

Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on yesterday's friendly against Maldon. 

DK: Good game today, what do you make of it? 

KH: Yeah, it was probably quite a good game to watch in terms of us. Obviously, there's loads of stuff we can be better at. I think first half we were a little bit passive in terms of sitting off, but second half I thought we stepped on a little bit and showed that we were obviously a couple of levels above. Scored two good goals. We have picked up a couple of knocks, Dylan's ankle. Milzy was struggling with a chest infection. That on top of the lads we're already missing today. I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I think we've got minutes in the legs of players. We kept a clean sheet, which is always pleasing. I don't think Dan or Marco even had to really make a save. Certainly in defensive areas we were really good. I just wanted a little bit more aggression, a little bit more willingness to run forward and create chances, which I think we did better in the second half. It was a hot day and obviously in Maldon, they've got players that have played at a higher level. So, it probably isn't a true reading on them as a club. I know they've played Step 4, but they have got lads that played higher. So, it was a good test for us. It was a good test and like I said, we've got through it and got minutes in the legs for the lads. It's a little bit unfortunate that Dylan's ankle was swollen up, but we'll assess it and see how we are for Tuesday. 

DK: Like you said, two really good goals, one in each half. 

KH: Yes, look, it was a difficult day for Seth actually, because obviously they've got a bit of experience. Lads that have played league football at centre half. He was knocked about. He was a little bit isolated at times, but I don't mind it because that will happen this year in the Conference North. He will have to be physical. So, he dug in and worked hard and it was tough for him at times. Again, he's come through the 90 minutes and got another goal. So, that shows you where Seth's at. He's improving all the time and he can mix it up now. So, that was a real pleasing point and Ingers' goal was a great strike. We've seen Ingers do that a number of times. So, hopefully that bodes us well for the start of the season. 

DK: We controlled possession quite well across both halves.

KH: Yeah, we did at times and again, they looked dangerous at times as well. But I've not got complaints with us keeping possession. I think we did it quite well. Certainly, the second half was better. But when we get into the final areas, final third, I don't know, a little bit more risk and reward and a little bit more goal would have probably seen us score more goals. But we'll take it. It's two goals. It's a clean sheet and like I say, minutes in the legs. So, we roll on to Tuesday.

DK: Like you said, we had a few missing today. I think Jacob injured, Harley injured, Hamo ill, Patch ill and then Ben Hunter is away

KH: Yeah, so we've got five. What is it, five? You just rolled off. Five first team members missing, which didn't leave us sure. Obviously, we've still got lads. We've still got 16 here today, but you miss them. They're lads that obviously have played a lot of football over the last couple of years since I've been here. So, yeah, they're hopefully going to be back Tuesday. And we'll have a much fuller squad than we did today. But again, fingers on the pulse. We're obviously open to bringing a couple in and adding to the group and adding quality to the group. 

DK: Any closer with the trialists? 

KH: Over the next three, four, five days, things will be clear on where we're at and what the squad's shaping up to be. 

DK: Moving on to Tuesday, another side that we play regularly in pre-season, in Brightlingsea.

KH: Yeah, a bit of a tough game. Generally, work really hard. Generally, quite physical. So, it's just giving the lads different variations of what we might see this season and come up against this season. So, it'd be a good test for us. And again, we'll have to step up to the plate and be counted. So, that's why we play them, they're fairly local as well. So, it should be a good game. 

DK: What have you made of pre-season so far overall?

KH: It's been okay. So, it's been, like I said, it's about getting minutes in the legs. But it's also having a look at... We're obviously looking at trialists. We're trying a few little things out. We've played opposition, obviously, in Braintree that are above us. We've today played Maldon that are below us, Felixstowe that are below us. We've won a couple of games, lost one, but I don't mind that. It's all about playing different opposition so that when you come to start the season, you're prepared and you've faced a lot of different scenarios in terms of individuality and as a team. So, that's the whole point of pre-season.

Defender Dan Morphew reflects on yesterday's friendly.

DK: Good win, what do you make of it? 

DM: Yeah, pre-season's pre-season, so it's all about minutes in the tank, miles in the legs, so to speak. So I think we had a good workout today, it's nice and hot, so everyone got a good sweat out. And yeah, good performance all around, things are never brilliant in pre-season, everyone's working it out, getting those relationships going and getting back up to speed. So I think we made a good progress from Tuesday, it's better than Tuesday, so trending in the right direction. 

DK: Overall, it's been a decent pre-season so far? 

DM: Yeah, it's been a bit here and there for me, I've missed a few, missed the odd match, missed the odd training session, so now hopefully looking to lock in and I think the same with the rest of the boys, just wanting to lock in and get ready for August the 10th, which seems very close. 

DK: Solid at the back today, again, and pinging those diags? 

DM: Yeah, yeah, that's what we're about, we're always solid at the back hopefully, so hopefully we'll continue to be known for that in the year coming up. It's always nice to hit a long pass when it's on, so I never turn it down if it's on. 

DK: What do you make of the fixtures so far?

DM: I've not looked much past the first three, I looked at Christmas Day and Boxing Day, but other than that I've not really paid too much attention. So yeah, I'm not really too fussed, it is what it is, the journeys are going to be long regardless of where we're going, we know that already, so I'm not too worried about it, just looking forward to the season starting really.

DK: Another good side coming here on Tuesday in Brightlingsea as well. 

DM: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure Brightlingsea will be up for it as well, it'll be another good game hopefully, another good run out for us and a good test is what we want, we want teams to come here and give their all and give us a good workout, so hopefully Brightlingsea do that and hopefully we're up for the task and beat them as well, fingers crossed. 

DK: Having got the fixtures now, does it make it more surreal that we're now step two? 

DM: Yeah, I think, again I've not focused on it too much, it's just a nice feeling to know that you're going to be competing at that level and I'm just looking forward to the season really. I'm optimistic and I want things to go well and I'm looking forward to them going well, so that's what I'm focused on, really having a good year and cementing us as a step two side, fingers crossed.

REACTION | Kevin Horlock + Dan Morphew Post Match Interviews | Needham Market v St Albans City | 14.09.2024 |

Manager Manager Kevin Horlock reflects on yesterday's game. "We weren't at the races today, but I've got to say they were v...